Page 24 - Spanish Insight - November 2019
P. 24

How much wealth tax do you

        have to pay in Andalucía?

                                               a personal tax-free allowance of €700,000   For Spanish residents only, there is a rule
        By Steven Langford, Partner, Blevins Franks  (although this figure can vary in certain   which establishes that your cumulative
                                               Spanish Autonomous Regions). Spanish    wealth and income tax liabilities cannot
                                               residents can get an additional allowance of   exceed 60% of your personal income taxable
        Andalucía continues to be a favourite   up to €300,000 against the value of their   amount (but excluding gains on assets held
        destination for expatriates, including those   main home (excluding properties owned   for more than one year). However, you do
        making the most of their retirement years.   through corporate structures).    have to pay a minimum of 20% of the full
        There are many benefits to living here,                                        wealth tax calculation originally calculated.
        and with the wide variety of property   Therefore, a married couple living here   This depends on how you hold your wealth,
        and locations, there is a dream home for   and owning property in joint names could   and if you can control the amount of your
        everyone.                              potentially have a total tax-free allowance   taxable income your investments generate
                                               of €2 million for wealth tax purposes.  That   on annual basis - there are some tax-efficient
        Taxation can however spoil the dream for   said, wealth tax is an individual tax in Spain   investments that will allow you to reduce
        some, particularly wealthier individuals and   so they have to submit separate wealth tax   both your income and wealth tax liabilities
        families.                              returns.                                in Spain. Note that your wealth tax liability
                                                                                       cannot be reduced at all on assets that do not
        Besides the expected income and capital gains  The Autonomous Regions can vary wealth tax  produce any income (i.e. jewellery, cars, etc.).
        taxes, Spain additionally imposes an annual   rates and allowances.  The allowances above
        wealth tax. While most people are exempt   are those applied under the state rules, which  Tax planning
        – in general, if you are resident in Spain,   also apply in the Andalucía. Other regions   If wealth tax or other Spanish taxes
        you can only be affected if the net value of   may have different limits.      concern you, ask a specialist tax and wealth
        your worldwide assets is over €1,000,000 –                                     management adviser to review your current
        it can have a significant impact on wealthy   Madrid currently provides a 100% tax-free   tax planning and the way you own assets
        individuals. We know there are people who   relief, so that its residents do not have to pay  to see if you can use Spanish tax compliant
        would love to live in Spain but feel that   any wealth tax, regardless of their total net   arrangements to lower your tax liabilities.
        wealth tax will have too big an impact.    worth, although they may need to submit   With careful planning you could structure
                                               a wealth tax return only for information   your investments to provide a number of
        However, with specialist advice and careful   purposes. It is the only region to do this   advantages.
        planning they may be able to achieve   though.
        their dream of living here – you can often   Here in Andalucía, progressive rates start at   Expert financial advice tailored for your
        legitimately minimise your overall tax   0.24% on assets up to €167,129 and rise up   personal circumstances can help you make
        liability in Spain, particularly on your   to 3.03% on assets over €10,695,996.     the most of living in Andalucía. A cross-
        investment capital.                                                            border firm could also recommend tax-
                                               Exclusions and limits to wealth tax     efficient opportunities in other countries,
        Are you liable for wealth tax?         Wealth tax is not payable on general    such as the UK, if you decide it is time to set
        If you are resident in Spain, wealth tax   household contents (other than items like   your sights elsewhere or even return home.
        applies to your worldwide assets, after tax-  art and vehicles), pension rights (other than
        free allowances (see below). For non-residents  purchased annuities), certain shareholdings   The tax rates, scope and reliefs may change.
        it affects Spanish assets only. It is payable on   in family companies and business assets   Any statements concerning taxation are based
        the total net value of your taxable assets at   (subject to conditions). There can be some   upon our understanding of current taxation
        the end of each year (i.e. 31st December).  exemptions for antiques and works of art, but  laws and practices which are subject to change.
                                               you need to follow specific rules.      Tax information has been summarised; an
        The tax is payable on the net value of most of                                 individual is advised to seek personalised
        your capital assets, such as real estate, savings  When calculating net taxable wealth, loans   advice.
        and investments, shareholdings, jewellery,   are deductible provided they were not used
        art, antiques, cars, boats, etc.       to buy or invest in assets exempt from wealth  Keep up to date on the financial issues that
                                               tax, but in some cases certain conditions   may affect you on the Blevins Franks news
        Wealth tax rates and allowances        must be met.                            page at
        Each individual, resident or otherwise, has

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