Page 20 - Spanish Insight - November 2019
P. 20

Is it worth saving my tooth?

            Unfortunately, many of us will experience   are usually more difficult to manage than
            tooth aches at some time. With the   problems with a natural tooth.
            increased awareness of dental implants,
            I increasingly have patients asking me   Therefore, if  we  can save  a natural
            whether it is worth saving their infected   tooth with a good prognosis, that is
            tooth or should they just have it removed   always my preferred option. Treatment
            and replaced.                       by dentists proficient in endodontics
                                                (root treatments), the restoration of and
            Dental implants are artificial teeth that   replacement of teeth will help ensure that
            are fixed in place. Most have three parts:   you receive the best treatment for your
            the implant itself, a titanium or zirconia   problematic tooth. Of course, my best
            screw that is placed in the jaw bone to   advice is to  have regular  dental  check-
            mimic the root of the tooth, the crown,   ups to help minimise your chances of
            which is the part that looks like the tooth   developing any such problems with your
            above the gum, and the abutment, which   teeth.
            connects the two.

            Implants have fantastic success rates are   Martin Lazenby
            currently the gold standard in replacing   General Dentist
            teeth and the option which most closely   with specialities in Endodontics
            mimics nature but treatments to save an   and Implantology
            infected tooth also have great success   BDS (Hons) MJDF FDS MSc (Endo)
            rates, in fact survival rates of root treated
            teeth and dental implants are virtually
            identical. There is still no replacement
            as good as a natural tooth though and
            complications from failed dental implants

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