Page 22 - Spanish Insight - November 2019
P. 22

GRAZALEMA, Province of Cadiz

        A short walk on the ‘wet’ side…..

        By Philip Dean

        It’s hard to believe that Grazalema, just west                                 staircase takes you up the dam wall to the
        of Ronda, is the wettest village in Spain.                                     Embalse  del  Fresnillo,  the  water  supply  for
        Similarly, there’s a surprised look on some                                    the village. At the top, take the path to the
        peoples’ faces when you mention that it’s                                      left and enjoy almost a complete circuit of the
        possible to ski in Southern Spain and yet                                      reservoir until you arrive at a small electricity
        be on the beach a short time later on the                                      building. From here, you can return the same
        same  day.    Undoubtedly,  Galicia  and  parts                                way down the dam wall for a short hour’s walk
        of Navarra in the north claim the prize for                                    or take the steep narrow track to the left up
        the wettest regions, but as figures show,                                      to a ridge leading to one of the lower, but no
        Grazalema in south west Andalusia, tops the                                    less impressive, peaks in the valley.  A fifteen
        tables for the wettest village. This wonderful                                 minute walk takes you to the top where it’s
        white, mountain village sits 800m up in the                                    not unusual to look down on Griffon vultures
        Natural Park of Sierra Grazalema.                                              soaring below, taking scouting trips from their
                                                                                       nest sites on the vertical hillsides. Return on       Presenting Our New Collection
                                                                                       the same route to the small building, then bear
                                                the local tourist office.  But walks are plentiful
                                                outside the park and this moderate 8 km, 4/5   right down the valley on a stony track which
                                                hour wander makes its way below the major   after half an hour reaches a tarmac road. Turn
                                                peaks, sometimes using old drovers’ routes   right here and after 100m, a conveniently                        New Stock Regularly Arriving
                                                and yet can be shortened at several places.  situated rest area serves as a welcome pit
                                                                                       stop. Bear right off the road and pick up the
                                                From the centre, walk up the steep streets   ascending old stony drovers’ route, dissected
                                                to just short of the campsite to where the   several times by the new windy tarmac
                                                tarmac finishes. Turn right by the pylon onto   alternative to the village. Fifteen minutes of
                                                a narrow but well-defined track where you   ascent takes you to the brow of the hill, where
                                                                                       you then descend to join the road for the last
                                                get a panoramic view of the village nestled
                                                amongst greenery and emerging peaks. If   half mile or so into Grazalema. Fabulous.
        The limestone peaks surrounding the village   you’ve  never  climbed  up  the  face  of  a  dam
        are the first barriers for clouds coming in   before, here’s your chance. A short metal   Accommodation was at Hotel La Mejorana,
        from the Atlantic, which then, like a fire plane,                              a friendly, comfortable hotel which provided
        release their load on this expectant vulnerable                                helpful tips on walks and very close to an
        village. The Berbers first established the                                     excellent tapas bar called ‘La Maroma’.
        village, introduced sheep in the lush mountains                                Coincidentally, the  name of our  mighty
        and produced wool for ponchos and blankets                                     mountain, but in this case, also the name
        to guard against the wet climate.  To this day,                                given to the heavy rope hanging from the
        the renowned ‘mantas de Grazalema’ are                                         bulls’ horns during their traditional annual bull
        exported worldwide.                                                            running festival. Cicerone Press also produce
                                                                                       an excellent guide to walking ‘The Mountains
        However, not dwelling on this unfortunate                                      of Ronda and Grazalema’.
        statistic, this stunning green, mountainous
        region offers some amazing walks.  Most of                                     Well worth a visit, as well as a base to explore
        the park is a protected area and closed for                                    the area of the ‘pueblos blancos’.  Enjoy.
        walking during the summer months and even
        outside this period it’s sometimes necessary
        to obtain a permit which can be obtained from

       22  Spanish Insight  November 2019
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