Page 28 - Spanish Insight - November 2019
P. 28

Hotel de Moura, Portugal

        A Night Away:

        By  Anne Fleming              the right, and magnificent marble   being planted down to the water’s
                                      staircase in the centre.  We climb
                                                                   edge and in doing so is creating a
                                      to the first floor and find our room at   tourist industry in this traditionally
        After staying in Carmona, we   the end of a corridor overlooking a   poor area of Alentejo.
        take a minor road and cross the   wonderfully tiled patio below.  In the evening, we take a walk
        border into Portugal at Rosal de   Our room is simple and retains the   down the street to a recommended
        la Frontera. There are no border   convent character.  Bright sunlight   restaurant and eat well for a good
        guards, no motorways. Another half   streams in the window and reflects   price.  Next morning, breakfast is
        an hour’s drive takes us to the town   on the crisp white bedlinen. A   busy, but the staff ensure all tables
        of Moura, a medieval town with a   modest wardrobe, a desk under   are clear and the buffet table is
        rich Moorish heritage and we see   the window and a bright bathroom   replenished.
        Moura Castle on the crest of the hill   is more than adequate for our stay.  During the next few days, we
        as we approach.               Later we drive to Alqueva dam,   explore the area, taking one late
        We  find our  hotel  easily as  it is  in   which is the largest artificial lake   night to go and see the stars
        the centre of the town. The façade   in Europe.  As we follow the road   in the planetarium. We visit the
        of this 17th century building is   around the lake, we admire the   walled  town  of  Monsaraz,  and  the
        decorated in traditional blue and   stunning azure of the water in   traditional potteries nearby, and
        white tiles.  It was a convent in the   contrast to the cream of the arid   enjoy an opportunity to dine in the
        17th Century but became a hotel   landscape.  “Alqueva” is a word   middle of vineyards overlooking the   right for our stay. We found the staff
        in 1900.The reception area is busy,   derived from “fallow lands” and we   lake - called “Herdade do Esporão”    friendly and helpful. Yes, a lift would
        and as we wait to be allocated a   can see that the creation of the dam   and visit the home of Sharish Gin.  have  been  nice,  but  the  grandeur
        room, we admire the lovely entrance   has brought water and irrigation   We have enjoyed our time in this   of the building more than made up
        hall, with a small bar and lounge to   to the thousands of vines that are   tranquil area, and the hotel was just   for it.

       28  Spanish Insight  November 2019
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