Page 67 - Spanish Insight - April 2020
P. 67

MURDER Knows No Borders

        Do you remember Edgar Lustgarten and his   stories in that genre. I was retired from my   not allowed to read them but I would always find
        intriguing telling of yet another murder in the   work at the War Crimes Tribunal for the Former   a way to get my hands on them and became
        TV series “The Scales of Justice” each week?   Yugoslavia in The Hague, Holland. But sitting   hooked.
        Well, Nerja resident and writer Marie Kusters-  around holding a cup of tea with other retirees   My first attempt was accepted and appeared in
        McCarthy  has  hit  the bookshops  in  the  same   discussing funeral insurance, hip replacements   “True Crime Detective Monthly”
        genre with her riveting new read “Murder Knows   and knitting didn’t hold much appeal.  magazine  in  the  UK.  Then  five  more,  in  quick
        No Borders: 26 True Crime Stories from around   My first project was to compile a cookbook   succession, were accepted and appeared on the
        the world”.                             of  recipes from  the  193 countries  which  are   website of “Crime Magazine an Encyclopaedia
        Murder Knows No Borders is a fascinating   Member States of the United Nations. I had   of  Crime”  which  is  a  popular  site  based  in
        insight into the motivation and murder of   worked for the United Nations, on and off, for   Athens, Florida, USA. At time of writing, these
        innocent, unsuspecting victims. This collection   some seventeen years and during my travels got   stories have been downloaded 115,455 times,
        of true crime stories includes murder by loved   to like the cuisine from the different countries.   and continue to be read.
        ones, family members and best friends for a   Having completed that I was looking for my next   This encouraged me to compile an anthology of
        variety of motives. It makes for a compelling   ‘retirement’ project so thought I will now give   ‘true crime’ short stories which I hope you will
        read into the lives of people who never thought   writing ‘true crime’ stories a shot.  find interesting and a compelling read.”
        it could happen to them. From the story about   I have always been
        the Texan millionaire who loved and married a   interested in what makes
        naive Welsh girl to the "Mail Order Brides" sadly   people turn to crime, and
        in search of a better life.             in particular those who
        Comprising a collection of 26 separate stories,   commit murder. What
        ideal to dip in and out of, Marie’s book is an   makes people able to
        easy yet riveting read, easy to pick up – harder   kill another human being
        to put down. A fascinating and compelling   fascinates  me  and  there
        insight into the murderous minds of otherwise   really is no definitive
        unremarkable people. Do you have one living   answer to that question.
        next door to you…?                      It can be jealousy, for
        Available now in Nerja at W H Smiffs in Calle   financial  gain,  family
        Almirante Ferrandis (just past the Post Office)   disputes,  political
        and Libreria Europa at the bottom of Calle   differences or just for no
        Granada at the corner with Plaza Cavana.   real reason at all.
        Also in Kindle, and online at at Amazon and   My mother used to read   A ‘must read’ whether or not   the true crime magazines
        you remember Edgar Lustgarten.          which were very popular
        Marie Kusters-McCarthy.                 in my youth in Ireland.
        “In 2012 I was reading a true crime magazine   As a young, and very
        that  asked  for readers  to  write and submit   impressionable, girl I was

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