Page 63 - Spanish Insight - April 2020
P. 63

stay safe & well and we look foRwaRd

                          to welcoMing you back soon

              laRge outside Heated teRRace

                                       aRgentinian Meats

                                       HoMeMade desseRts
                                                                                               * biRtHdays
                                       goat / laMb                                             * laRge gRouPs

                                       PoRk                                                    *   functions
                                   tHe best selection of Meat                                    and PaRties

                                      gRill Menu
                                       7.90 €
                                            (inc. iva)

                   Monday – fRiday daily Menu
                           on tHe wood gRill

                            (closed tuesdays)

              savour the roasted meats over the open log oven
              and enjoy the visual warmth of the burning logs.                                    you cHoose fRoM
                                                                                                     tHe kitcHen
                      choose to eat from what you see.
                                                                                  enjoy watcHing
            ReseRvations:   952 54 51 89 | 667 339 412                     How we PRePaRe and cook
              avda. toRé toRé, 3 - toRRe del MaR - Malaga                    youR Meat on tHe gRill

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