Page 62 - Spanish Insight - April 2020
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axarquia noticeboard: Free listings for local clubs, societies or charities

          clAssEs, clUBs & sociETiEs   Information  via  or  telephone   boards outside  the salon and in the Community Office.   Burma  with  internally  displaced  children  in  desperate
                                                                    For any further information, contact Colin Smith 95 252
                                                                                                  need of help and in Ecua¬dor with abandoned children.
                                       BISC - Benajarafe International Social Club   8320         Pocapecunia, the charity shop in the Calle Bella Vista
          ThE ARTs sociETy NERJA (Formerly Nerja NADFAS).  A registered charity raising funds for H4H and another   ThE ‘El VAllE AsociAcioN’ JoiN El VAllE!  6,  raises  money  for  this  charity,  open  Monday  to
          We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from October   charity of the member’s choice. Meets every Monday at   El  Valle  is  one  of  Axarquia’s  most  successful  and   Saturday  from  10am  to  1.30pm  if  you  have  anything
          to  May  at  the  Cultural  Centre  (Casa  Cultura)  ,  Calle   2.30pm at the Esperanza Cafe/Restaurant on the coast   longest running social clubs. We are based in the Lake   you can donate the team would be pleased to receive it
          Granada, Nerja at 6pm were we have 8 fully illustrated   road at Km 261 in Benajarafe. For further details contact   Vinuela  area,  10  km  inland  from  Velez  Malaga,  and   especially (ear)rings, bracelets, necklaces and watches
          lectures  in  English  presented  by  experts  in  their  field   Heather on 634979565.  most members live fairly locally but we also welcome   you don’t use anymore.
          from the UK. Please visit our very active website www.  BUENA VisTA PETANcA clUB  people from the coast and further afield.  At our monthly   lUx MUNDi ToRRE DEl MAR
          TheArts  Society  Nerja  or  telephone  660  907  856  for   Buena  Vista  Petanca  Group.  Plays  on  Monday  and   meetings  you  can  find  out  about  our  wide  range  of   Lux    Mundi  Ecumenical  Centre  Avda.  Moscatel  1”I”,
       We rely on the information provided by the associations.  Please inform us if you find that any telephone number / information is incorrect or the information is obsolete.
          more information             Thursday mornings (10.30am) at Torrox Park. For further   activities that range from the cultural and gastronomic to   (Jardines Viña  Malága/Antigua  Casa  de  la Viña), Torre
          AcTioN foR ANiMAls           information:  Nigel Wallace on 951 321 215.  quizzes, games and films. We also organise days out and   del Mar, 29740. Opening hours Monday through Friday
          A Cómpeta based charity helping animals funded from   c.A.s - cosTA ANiMAl sociETy  short trips away. Our members make new friends, learn   10.00 to 13.00 and 15.00 to 18.00. Tel.952 543 334
          donations and their shop in Avenida de la Constitución   A  registered  charity  which  raises  money  to  help   about our region and have fun.  Through its members El   E-mail: Web: www.lux-mundi.
          59, Cómpeta. Opening hours are 10am till 2pm Tuesday   abandoned animals looking after them and finding them   Valle has links to groups that enjoy a variety of pursuits   org. All Proceeds for fund raising. Please note you are
          to Friday.                   new homes. For information on fund raising, volunteering   including leisurely scenic walks, more energetic cross-  unable  to  make  bookings  through  the  web  site  and
          AMicoRUM siNgERs!            or if you can offer an animal a home please contact Vera   country  hash  runs,  photography,  quad  biking,  drama,   sorry we cannot accept cards.  LUX MUNDI, TORRE DEL
          Do you live near Torrox Costa and enjoy singing?  We   on 95 252 9670. For events please telephone Diana on   bird watching and dancing. So whatever your interests   MAR  MAR  APRIL  COMING  EVENTS  AND  EXCURSIONS
          are a small group of singers coming together once   679 714 612. For more details look at www.casnerja.  El Valle has something for you!  We meet on the first   (THESE WILL ONLY TAKE PLACE IF THE ISOLATION BAN
          a  week  in  friendship  to  perform  music  from  the   org. The telephone number of the new shop is 689 31 43   Monday of each month (apart from August when we take   IS LIFTED, PLEASE CHECK)
          Renaissance (for example, madrigals by Wilkes, Wilbye,   50. New members are always welcome.  a break!) at the Punto de Encuentro Asador restaurant,   Please note the Opening Times for the Easter Period:- No
          Marenzio and Gesualdo) to music of the modern era -   clUB iNTERNAcioNAl DE NERJA  next to Indian Palace in Puente don Manuel.  Meetings   Group activities in the week of Monday 8th to Friday 10th
          for example, Feelings and Blue Moon. We call ourselves   We welcome members and visitors far and wide. Enjoy   begin at 7:30 but we start arriving from 7:00 so come   April. Monday 6th to Wednesday 8th the Centre will only
          Amicorum and would be delighted to welcome you to   fun and friendship, events and trips. Club Internacional   early and introduce yourself so that we can help you   be open in the morning 10.00 to 13.00. Thursday 9th
     The listings are a free service  - send details to
          sing  with  us.  No  politics,  gossip  or  backbiting  -  just   De Nerja Calle San Juan 42. Nerja 29780. Social and   make the most of what El Valle has to offer.  You can   and Friday 10th the Centre will be closed. Friday 10th a
          singing in a friendly atmosphere, even with snacks and   Cultural Association No 1612 Telephone during opening   also meet us on Friday mornings from 12 noon-1pm at   Church Service in English “Hour in Front of the Cross”.
          refrnoeshments most weeks. Please contact us via email   hours 00 34 952521 858 Opening hours Mon from 19.30   Meson Sara at the  Puente don Manuel crossroads to join   Time 14.00. Monday –Knitting & Crochet Group.   Time
          ( or phone (618 37 92 90) for   hrs Tues, Thurs and Sat 11.00 to 14.00 hrs Open Some   us, book an event or have a chat.  You can also visit our   11.00 to 13.00 at the Centre. Every Tuesday 11.30 to
          details of rehearsal venue and time.  Thursday Evenings check for details Facebook: cidnerja   website:  13.00 & Thursday 16:30 to 18:00. - Espan-Glish Group
          APARiV ANiMAl PRoTEcTioN     Email:  “Totally   FERNANDO’S FRIENDS  at the Centre. Interchange of Languages. Improve your
          A.P.A.R.I.V.,  a  small  registered  charity  12  years  old,   run by volunteers”  Our  support  group  has  been  formed  for  people   level of Spanish and help others to improve their English.
          solely for care & welfare of abandoned/neglected dogs,   clUB DE lEoNEs AlMUNEcAR cosTA TRoPicAl  experiencing  loss  (through  death,  ill  health,  lack  of   2 Euros for room fee or with Friends of Lux Mundi card 1
          set in the hills outside Rincon de la Victoria.  Our prime   We are pleased to announce the formation of the   confidence, isolation) by sympathetic people wishing to   Euro. Proceeds for fundraising.
          goal is to find a new and safe home for each dog, until   new  Club  de  Leones  Almunecar  Costa  Tropical.  At   help others. We want to develop a network of volunteers   Alternate  Wednesdays–  Tech.  Workshop,  computer,
          that  time  they  remain  in  our  care.  We  have  a  small   the  initiative  of  Belgian  Christine  and  Luc Tilkens,  20   who  can  support  people,  they  must  have  a  Police   phones  and  tablet. Time  10.00  to  11.30.  5  Euros  for
          group of volunteers who work at the refuge. We have   founder members have now joined and the club will be   Criminal Record check to protect vulnerable individuals.   room fee or with Friends of Lux Mundi card 4 Euros.
          charity shops located in Torre del Mar(TOP of C/Duque   fully operational in a few weeks’ time. The new Club de   Contact  Sarah  :  600  715  301  email  spritchett2015@  Proceeds for fundraising. Alternate Wednesdays – Good
          de Ahumada close to the Market area) and Rincon also   Leones is the only one in the Granada province. New or Liz : 692 419 548 email: englishnurse@  Listeners.Time 10.00 to 11.30. 5 Euros for room fee or
          staffed by volunteers. All items are donated and proceeds   members are welcome to join. The local Lions Club will    with Friends of Lux Mundi card 4 Euros. Proceeds for
          are used solely for the benefit of the dogs.  We do not   aim at helping locals in need, which will be real benefit   giNs  golf iNTERNATioNAl NERJA sociETy  fundraising. Every Wednesday – Art & Craft Group.   Time
          receive any municipal or government funding, monetary   for the town. The Lions Club Almunecar Costa Tropical   Founded  over  30  years  ago  GINS  has  around  300   14.00 – 17.00 at the Centre.  5€ for room fee or with
          donations are greatly appreciated..  We welcome anyone   meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at   Members from many countries around the world. They   Friends of Lux Mundi Card 4€. Proceeds for fundraising.
          who is willing to volunteer, to foster or adopt a dog and or   16h at Restaurant Tesorillo in Almunecar/Taramay.  play competitions at Anoreta, Baviera and Los Moriscos   Every Friday – Coffee Morning, Boutique & Books. Time
          become a member of our association.  Anyone interested   cUDEcA cANcER cARE  every  week  with  monthly  away  games  at  interesting   11.00 to 13.00.  Wednesday 1st – Excursion to Malaga to
          in lending a hand can contact us through our website   For Nerja and Torre del Mar enquiries call Susan Maull on   courses  around  the  Costa  del  Sol  and  guests  are   see the “El Oro de Klimt” Exhibition.  Come and take part
  or by phoning Lola on 657-  638 108 564. Cudeca Hospice Charity Shop – Torre del   welcome to join them at any of these. They also have a   in a wonderful multimedia experience, by the famous
          219-269                      Mar C/ Infante 21 – Edf. Jamaica Bajo Tel: 663 083 273   social calendar for members and their partners to enjoy   Austrian artist Gustav Klimt, born 1862 died 1918. His
          Ah3 – AxARqUiA hAsh hoUsE hARRiERs  Mon-Sat 10.00 – 13.30 / Mon- Fri 17:00 – 20.00.   Nerja   away from the course.  feelings and colours of his portraits and landscapes
          Meet every other Sunday for walks in the Axarquia or   C/ Almirante Carranza 15  Tel: 663 083 503  Mon-Sat   Please visit for full details or email   come to life whilst listening to the background music.
          weekday  evenings  in  the  summer  –  more  info  www.  10.00 – 13.30  The coach will leave Malaga at 19.00, returning to Torre
                       CORAL CORAXALIA              giVE A Dog A hoME REscUE MAlAgA   del Mar at 19.45.Tickets available at the Centre, price
          Alcoholics ANoNyMoUs         Do you like singing?  Would you like to join a choir?  We   Our aim is to raise awareness of the plight of dogs in   21 Euros, or with Friends of Lux Mundi card 20 Euros.
          English-speaking meetings Eastern Costa del Sol.  Open   are  inviting  new  singers  to  become  members  of  the   our local pound and on our streets, many of these dogs   Fundraising  activity.  Departure  times Viñuela  (Football
          to anyone wants to stop drinking. Coastal Helpline: 600   local, long-established choir, Coral Coraxalia under the   were once living in family homes and then dumped in   pitch) 13.30, Algarrobo (Lidl) 14.00, Caleta (Vets) 14.05,
          379 110, Nerja Contact 657 180 373 or  www.aaspain.  leadership of Eusebio Pita.  Great, friendly atmosphere,   the perrera (pound). 1 in 5 are put to sleep. With your   Torre del Mar (Bus station) 14.15. Friday 3rd – Special
          org.    Local  meetings:  Nerja: Tue.  and Thu.  15:00,  Fri.    all nationalities, good repertoire, performances and   help, we will endeavour to save as many as we can -   Coffee Morning for Easter. Join the fun, during the normal
          20:30, Sat. 12:00, Centro Giner de los Rios, Aula 10, c/   concerts, social events, possible touring, etc.  Rehearsals   please  join  our  group,  invite  friends,  share  our  posts,   coffee morning there will be Chocolate eggs hidden in
          Diputación 2. El Morche: Mon. 19:30, Clinica Marysalud,   Thursdays 17.30 – 20.00 in the room under Inmobiliaria   foster and help us raise funds. Together we can do this!   the garden, a name the rabbit competition, a decorated
          Paseo Marítimo s/n. Salobreña: Wed. 16:00, Hogar de   Maroma Estate Agents on the opposite side of the road to   To help us to help them, you can keep in touch with us   hat competition and more. Time 11.00 to 13.00.  Monday
          Pensionistas,  c/  Puerta  de  la  Vella  s/n.    Orgiva:  Sun.   Arkwrights Supermarket, (on the left at the crossroads in   on  our  FaceBook  site  and/or  donate  using  PayPal  to   13th - Half Orange “Bring and Share” Lunch, widows,
          17:00, Molino de Benizate    Puente Don Manuel A402)  Plenty of free parking.  Come  ...thanks,   widowers and singles group. You are welcome to join us
          AlMiJARA Bowls clUB, NERJA   along to a rehearsal and hear us and decide if you’d like   every little helps. See Facebook: GIVE A DOG A HOME   and make and meet new friends at the Centre. The group
          Open for play on 6 outdoor rinks 7 days a week at La   to join us!  For more information call 689 111 352 email   RESCUE MALAGA   also meets on the other Mondays of the month for coffee,
          Raqueta Tennis  and  Bowls  Club,  located  opposite  the  lADiEs fRiENDshiP lUNch  walks,  visits  to  places  of  interest,  etc.    Time  13.00.
          Nerja  Club  Hotel  (N340)  and  between  Supersol  and   cosTA cAMERA clUB NERJA  LADIES WOT LUNCH. 2nd Monday of each month except   Tuesday  14th  -  U3A  Photography  Group.  From “Good
          the entrance to Capistrano Village. Club days Monday,   We are a group sharing an interest in photography and   July & August. Restaurante el Trapiche, Velez Malaga on   Shot” to “Great Shot”, why not come and improve your
          Wednesday  and  Friday  11am  start.  Prospective   are  of  mixed  ability  and  experience.  We  meet  every   the road to Benamargosa. 1pm for 1:30 start, finishing 4   photography with Rob Bell Photography. Don´t forget to
          members  welcome.  Tel:  952522225  Website:  http://  second and fourth Thursday of the month at 5.30pm in   to 4:30.   Enjoy a 4 course meal with wine for just 11€   bring your camera. Time 15.00 to 17.00.  5 Euros for
  the Salon Social, Capistrano Village.  Come along and   with a raffle included and an interesting 20 minute talk   room fee or with Friends of Lux Mundi card 4 Euros.
          American International Club Nerja  see what we do, everyone welcomed, please contact us   on a variety of subjects. Everyone welcome and no need   Thursday  16th  -  Coach  Excursion  to  Gibraltar.   Ticket
          The American International Club (AIC) is a Nerja based   first or check our website as to location meeting point.   to book, just come along and make new friends.   If you   price 13 Euros, or with Friends of Lux Mundi Card 12
          club, whose members come from Almunecar to Torrox.   Telephone 645 053 258, email   would like to give us a talk and have a free lunch, please   Euros available at the Centre.  Proceeds for fund raising.
          AIC  is  open  to  all  nationalities  and  boasts  a  diverse   or look at our NEW web site  contact  Departure times Puente don Manuel (Bar Mis Tapitas)
          membership of over one-hundred people. On a social   coRAl iNTERNAcioNAl AxARqUíA   lAkE ViñUElA PhoTogRAPhic clUB  6.45,  Algarrobo  (Lidl)  7.15,  Caleta  (Vets)  7.20  and
          level,  the  club  hosts  boules,  walks,  holiday  dinners,   COME AND SING WITH US! Coral Internacional Axarquía   We  are  a small but  enthusiastic group of amateur   Torre Del Mar (Bus Station) 7.30. Depart Gibraltar15.30
          coffee meetings and a variety of outings. We are always   always  welcomes  new  members.  We  rehearse  on   photographers  all  with  different  styles,  interests  and   approximately.  PASSPORTS  /  I.D.  REQUIRED.    Monday
          looking for new ideas and activities for fun. Please email   Thursday mornings in Vélez-Málaga.  abilities but one love, photography.  Some of us have   20th - U3A Art Appreciation Group. This year we have
          Stephanie Adam  at  to   For  more  information:  Tel:  630520581  or  email:   expensive DSLR cameras while others have simple point   been looking at French Artists and to continue in this
          notify us of your interest in our club or visit https://www.  and shoot cameras.  It doesn’t matter.  What we are all   theme we are going to be using Tim Marlow’s series
   EL CAPIStRANO ACtIVItIES  striving to do is to take better photographs.  Each month   on Great Artists. Time 11.00. 3 Euros for room fee or
          us on Facebook page AIC Nerja, or email hq@aicnerja.  Situated next to the main swimming pool in Capistrano   we have a challenge. It could be a technical challenge,   with  Friends  of  Lux  Mundi  Card  2  Euros  available  at
          org  for  more  information.  The  American  International   village the social salon hosts a number of activities open   an artistic challenge or even a challenge to imitate the   the Centre. Proceeds for fundraising.  Tuesday 28th –
          Club  (AIC)  is  an  international  social  and  charitable   to  residents  and  non  residents  alike.  Library  -  Open   style of a famous photographer. We meet on the third   Excursion to Archidona. Lux Mundi, Torre del mar have
          association.                 on  Saturdays  only,  10.30am  -  12.30pm    with  a  wide   Thursday of every month at the Era Restaurant in Puente   organized an excursion to the town of Archidona situated
          ARt CLASSES                  selection of titles and talking books. Pat Taylor 95 252   Don manuel. Contact    east of Antquera in province of Malaga.  There will be
          Also  suitable  as  drop  in  classes,  in  the  enchanting   4201 Bridge Club - Tuesday 2.30 - 6.00 pm. No partners   ThE loVE A chilD foUNDATioN
          garden of Studio Rosario (in front of the Church) in la   necessary. Sheila Cornelissen 95 242 4021 Information   Founded by Nerja’s John Margetson, has ope¬rations in
          Herradura, every Thursday morning from 11.00 to 13.45.   concerning all other activities can be found on the notice   India and Nepal working with Tibetan refugee children,   ....continuing on page 64
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