Page 46 - Spanish Insight - November 2019
P. 46
November 2019
of its Mesopotamian richness, not only because
of the war but also because of wide scale
LOOK thROUgh the Magazine tO FinD aLL robbery of it’s museums and the ensuing illegal
the FantaStiC eVentS On thiS MOnth trade. Hans Kuitert has worked as a journalist
for 42 years, specializing in Islam and political
affairs in the Middle East, Central Asia and the
FRiDaY 1St till to November 5th Exhibition of Al Andalus Hotel, Maro. Email kim_bowe1@ Subcontinent. During the last ten years of his
Acrylics and Watercolours by David Broadhead to reserve lunch at The Caves career, he was commentator on religious affairs
(a tribute to his works) and Patricia Dale. Restaurant after the service. at his newspaper De Telegraaf, Amsterdam.
Location: Centro de Arte y Desorrollo Popular,
Alcaucin Times: 11:00 to 2:00. 4:00 to 8:00 pm thURSDaY 28th – LUX MUNDI Excursion
to Mijas Pueblo and Viveros Guzman. Day trip.
FRiDaY 1St till November 16th The Arts See the Noticeboard for more details. Plenty of
Society Nerja Members’ Art Biennale 2019, pick up points.
Forging Identity Sponsored by Hemlängtan at
the Sala de Exposiciones, C/Almte.Ferrandiz 12,
Nerja Opening hrs 11:00-14:00, 18:00-21:00
(closed Sundays) Ten artists from the UK, the
Netherlands and Sweden will show their work.
The exhibition is a celebration of form and mind.
never takes place either. Table Manners is part
SatURDaY 2nD Move It To Music! Dance of The Norman Conquests trilogy. Location:
fitness class at Nerja’s Time Sport Gym will now Calle Castilla Perez 1, Nerja, Ma., 29780. Look
have TWO Saturday sessions EVERY WEEK, both for the very large BLUE entrance door. We are
identical one starting at 09:30 hrs and the usual between Salon de Juegos and a Supermarket.
11:00 hrs. Time Sport Gym is opposite Iranzo Email:
supermarket on the main Nerja-to-Maro Road.
Feel energised and joyful with these low-impact
moves set to spirit-lifting tunes. Optional chat tUeSDaY 22nD The Arts Society Lecture:
over coffee afterwards. Come with water and a Stolen Artefacts - The ongoing looting of ancient
towel, and wear trainers and stretchy clothing. cultural heritage a fully illustrated morning
Everybody welcome! (moveittomusic@yahoo. tUeSDaY 12th The Arts Society Lecture: member’s talk by Hans Kuitert 12:00 a.m. at the / WhatsApp/tel: 675 846 217) The Hands of Leonardo da Vinci a fully Museum of Nerja, Plaza España, Nerja. After the
illustrated lecture by Guy Rooker, Sponsored by illegimate trade in weapons and drugs, stolen
Ole Optica at 6.00 p.m. in the Cultural Centre, art is the third largest pillar of the black market.
Calle Granada, Nerja. The talk reviews the way Museum warehouses in Egypt and elsewhere
in which Leonardo da Vinci investigated the are looted on demand. Wars, revolutions and
form and function of the hand. His paintings and salafistic Islamic ideology literally flattens what
narrative art are reviewed to demonstrate how has survived for centuries. Iraq lost large parts
he used this knowledge to depict the hand as a
form of expression. Dr. Guy Rooker is a retired
surgeon with a lifelong passion, fascination, and
admiration for the work of Leonardo da Vinci
and his contributions to both the art world and
tUeSDaY 5th Nerja Players at 7:00 PM to his investigation of scientific concepts.
‘With Great Pleasure’ BYOS (Bring Your Own
Script). Member participation reading of your WeDneSDaY 13th LUX MUNDI Autumn
choice. You can also contact us for ideas. & Winter Fashion show. Tickets 6€ monies to WE SERVE HOME-MADE … Breakfast, lunch,
Limit to 5 minutes each. Non-Members are charity. See Poster and Noticeboard for more.
welcome. RSVP needed. Free Event. Honesty snacks, cakes, vegetarian & vegan tapas from TUESDAY TO
bar available. See or SUnDaY 17th Tail is holding its Autumn
Email: Dog Show at the Barco Chiringuito, Peñoncillo SATURDAY—ALL DAY!
Beach on Torrox Costa. Enter your furry friends,
SatURDaY 9th TAIL is having a large wander around the stalls and enjoy a day by the TUESDAYS Free IT advice from 1.30pm
garage sale in the morning at Las Cebadillas, sea whilst raising well needed money. FRIDAYS Yoga class 5.30-7pm
carril Circunvalación 8, Torrox Pueblo. Come
and find some absolute bargains! tUeSDaY 19th November 19 at 7:00 PM SUNDAYS Live music, buffet with over 20 dishes!
The Nerja Players “Table Manners”, by: Alan
SatURDaY 9th Cudeca Come Dancing Ayckbourn. Members: Free
in El Trapiche begin their dinner dance sat Non-Members: €3 Honesty bar refreshments SEPTEMBER SPECIALS
Trapiche. Price 11 euros. For further details, available. In this play, Annie has arranged to
contact Joyce or Mike: comedancing4cudeca@ spend an illicit weekend with her sister Ruth’s 2 & 16th Jazzy Jools & Co Band or phone Joyce on 616046713 for husband Norman, and for this reason, suitably
reservations. disguised, has asked her elder brother Reg and 15th MAD HATTERS PARTY!
his wife Sarah to look after their widowed mother 5 Euros includes a Cocktail,
SUnDaY 10th Royal British Legion (Nerja and the house. As it happens the seduction,
Branch) Remembrance Day 2019. 11.40am at thought or planned, by each of the six characters small Canape selection and
DANCING! From 20h. Mad hats
obligatory !!
46 Spanish Insight November 2019