Page 42 - Spanish Insight - November 2019
P. 42




                  Spain & Spanish!

                  Test your understanding whilst learning facts about
                  beautiful Spain and what it has to offer.

        El cava es un vino espumoso español (por el momento),       Cava is a Spanish sparkling wine (for now), produced
        elaborado  principalmente  en  la  región  catalana  del    mainly in the Catalan region of Penedes (provinces of
 José Plácido Domingo Embil  José Placido Domingo Embil             Barcelona  and  Tarragona).    The  first  producers  were
        Penedés (provincias de Barcelona y Tarragona). Los
        primeros productores fueron Francesc Gil y Domènec
 (21st Enero 1941, Madrid) es  (21st January 1941, Madrid) is a     Francesc Gil and Domènec Soberano, who in 1868
        Soberano, que en 1868 lo presentaron en la Exposición Universal de
 un tenor, director de orquesta,  tenor, conductor, producer and    presented it at the Universal Exhibition in Paris. Initially the cava
        París. Inicialmente el cava se producía con las mismas variedades
 productor y compositor español.  Spanish composer.  The current    was produced with the same French varieties used by Champagne
        francesas que utiliza el Champagne y todavía hoy se utiliza el mismo
                                                                    and  still  today  uses  the  same method of traditional  processing  as
 El actual director de la Ópera  director of the Washington         in France. Although most of the production comes from Catalonia,
        método de elaboración tradicional que en Francia. Aunque la mayor
        parte de la producción procede de Cataluña, también hay bodegas
 Nacional de Washington y de la  National Opera and Los Angeles     there are also cava-producing wineries in Aragon, Castilla y León,
        productoras de cava en Aragón, Castilla y León, Extremadura, La
 Ópera de Los Ángeles (California)  Opera (California) was part of   Extremadura, La Rioja, País Vasco, Navarra and Valencia. The annual
        Rioja, País Vasco, Navarra y Valencia. La producción anual de cava
                                                                    production of cava is about 216 million bottles, which places Spain
 formó parte del trío de Los Tres  the trio of The Three Tenors,    as the second largest producer of sparkling wine, after France. In
        es de unos 216 millones de botellas, lo que sitúa a España como el
        segundo productor mundial de vino espumoso, después de Francia.
 Tenores, junto al italiano Luciano  together with the Italian Luciano   2009 the cava became the most exported sparkling wine in the
        En  2009  el  cava  se  convirtió  en  el  vino  espumoso  más  exportado
 Pavarotti y al tambíen español  Pavarotti and also   the Spanish   world, with 131 million bottles sold in the foreign market, ahead of the
        del mundo, con 131 millones de botellas vendidas en el mercado
 Josep Carreras. Domingo es  Josep Carreras.  Domingo is            champagne, which sold 112 million bottles. The largest consumers
        extranjero, por delante del champán, que vendió 112 millones de
                                                                    of Spanish cava are Germany, the United Kingdom, Belgium, the
 conocido por su voz versátil,  known for his versatile voice,      United States and Japan. The flagship brands of Cava Freixenet and
        botellas. Los mayores consumidores de cava español son Alemania,
        Reino Unido, Bélgica, Estados Unidos y Japón. Las marcas
 lo que le ha permitido cantar  which has allowed him to sing as    Codorniu are Catalan.
        emblemáticas de cava son las catalanas Freixenet y Codorníu.
 como barítono y tenor. Se dio  baritone and tenor.  He became
 a conocer internacionalmente  internationally known with his
          Join me, Mario Cabrera,
          learning with other students
 con su debut en Hamburgo en  debut in Hamburg in 1967. He
          of varied levels on my Babel
 1967. Interpretó por primera  performed for the first time at
          Language course and on my
 vez en el Metropolitan Ópera de  the Metropolitan Opera in New
          trips! Ever since ancient times,
 Nueva York el 28 de Septiembre  York on September 28, 1968.
          languages have risen up like
          ramparts between nations.
 de 1968. Desde entonces, ha  Since then, he has opened
          In the past, those who could
 abierto la temporada de  este  the theatre season on twenty-
          speak foreign languages were
 teatro en veintiuna ocasiones,  one  admired by others as they held
 superando el recórd anterior,   the previous record which was
          the key to unknown worlds.
          Even today, languages can be viewed as barriers between
 que estaba en poder de Enrico  held by Enrico Caruso, for four.   As a final thought, be patient. Even
          people, but they can also be bridges which can bring us closer
                                                                   the Spanish take two years to learn
 Caruso, en cuatro. Su repertorio  His repertoire is very varied   Join me, Mario Cabrera,
          to people of other nationalities and cultures. Therefore, learning
                                                                   their own language!
 es muy variado y en varios  and in various languages: he   learning with other students
          Spanish isn’t just learning another language. You can discover a
                                                                   Classes available all along the Coast (Nerja, Trapiche, Puente
                                          of varied levels on my Babel
          whole new and fascinating world: the Spanish speaking world.
 idiomas: ha cantado en italiano,  has sung in Italian, French,   Language course and on
                                                                   don Manuel and more!)
          On the other hand, learning a new language doesn´t have to be
 francés, alemán, español inglés  German,  Russian,  Spanish,  my trips! Ever since ancient   Mario Cabrera - Telephone: 649490959
          boring. Practicing, making mistakes, and trying again can be fun
 y ruso. En escena ha cantado   English and Russian. On stage   times, languages have risen   Email:
          stages of learning, especially if you are able to laugh at yourself.
 más  de  noventa  papeles  he has sung more than ninety   up like ramparts between
 diferentes, y si se incluyen las  different roles, and if you include   nations. In the past, those
       42  Spanish Insight  November 2019
 grabaciones, supera los ciento  the recordings, more than one   who could speak foreign
                                          languages were admired by
 veinte. Ha Ganado siete premios  hundred and twenty. He has   others as they held the key to
 Grammy y dos premios Emmy.  won seven Grammy Awards and   unknown worlds. Even today,
 En Marzo de 2008, un jurado  two Emmy Awards. In March   languages can  be  viewed as
 de 16 críticos especializados,  2008, a jury of 16 specialist   barriers between people, but they can also be bridges
 convocado por la revista BBC  critics, organized by the BBC   which can bring us closer to people of other nationalities
 Music Magazine, eligió a Plácido  Music Magazine, chose Placido   and cultures. Therefore, learning Spanish isn’t just
 Domingo como el más grande  Domingo as the greatest tenor   learning another language. You can discover a whole new
                                          and fascinating world: the Spanish speaking world.  On
 tenor de todos los tiempos.  of all time. Amongst his records   the other hand, learning a new language doesn´t have to
 Entre sus recórds está el haber  he has received an hour of   be boring. Practicing, making mistakes, and trying again
 recibido una hora de aplausos  applause at the Vienna State   can be fun stages of learning, especially if you are able to
 en la Ópera de Viena después  Opera after singing La Boheme,   laugh at yourself. As a final thought, be patient. Even the
 de cantar La Bohéme, una  an achievement recognised by   Spanish take two years to learn their own language!
 marca recogida por el Libro  the Guinness Book of Records,   Classes available all along the Coast (Nerja, Trapiche,
 Guinness, y haber reunido  and has gathered 400,000   Puente don Manuel and more!)
 en un concierto a 400.000  people for a concert in New
 personas en el Central Park  York’s Central Park, despite the   Mario Cabrera - Telephone: 649490959
 neoyorquino, pese a la lluvia.  rain.               
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