Page 51 - Property Portfolio - March 2020
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the way you are taxed. Residents in Spain can   Once you are living in Spain, it is sensible to
        take advantage of highly tax-efficient investment   hold some savings and investments in Euros
        opportunities that may also provide further   to minimise exchange rate risk. However, you
        benefits such as currency and income flexibility,   may also have expenses in the UK or intend to
        wealth tax mitigation and estate planning   return someday, so want to keep something of
        advantages.                               value in Sterling. Explore investment structures
                                                  that offer flexibility to hold investments in more
        UK pensions after the transition period   than one currency and convert when it suits
        UK nationals settled in the EU before 31   you. Transferring UK pensions into a suitable
        December 2020 can continue to receive yearly   QROPS could also provide currency flexibility
        cost-of-living increases to their State Pension   for your retirement income.
        payments, even if you start claiming your
        pension after the transition ends.        When exploring the best currency and
        As things stand, Brexit should not affect how   investment mix for you, make sure your
        you can withdraw or transfer other UK pensions.  investments are well-diversified, tax-efficient and
        However, once the UK government no longer   offer the right balance of risk and return for your
        has to abide by EU rules in 2021, they gain   peace of mind.
        more freedom to recoup taxes from expatriate
        pensions.                                 While the transition offers a welcome period of
                                                  certainty for UK nationals living in Spain, the
        One target could be Qualifying Recognised   clock is ticking to secure your position and take
        Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS). Currently,   advantage of suitable opportunities. A locally-
        Spain residents can transfer to a QROPS tax-free   based adviser with cross-border experience is best
        if it is EU/EEA-based, otherwise a 25% ‘overseas   placed to help you prepare appropriately for the
        transfer charge’ applies. Many expect the UK   post-Brexit world.
        may extend this to within the EU once it sheds
        its current obligations.                  Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change. Any
                                                  statements concerning taxation are based upon
        Take personalised, UK-regulated advice before   our understanding of current taxation laws
        taking any action with your pensions to establish   and practices which are subject to change. Tax
        the most suitable approach for your personal   information has been summarised; individuals
        circumstances and goals.                  should seek personalised advice.
        Currency considerations
        During recent Brexit uncertainty, the value of
        sterling has experienced much volatility. While
        more settled now, like any currency, it is always

                                       Keep up to date on the financial issues that may affect you
                                     on the Blevins Franks news page at

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