Page 50 - Property Portfolio - March 2020
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What can UK expatriates in

        Spain expect from Brexit?

                                                  Beware that you forfeit these guaranteed rights
        By Steven Langford, Partner,              if you are absent from the country for five
        Blevins Franks                            consecutive years. Also, there is no onward
                                                  freedom of movement, so if you want to move to
                                                  another EU state from 2021, you would have to
        At last we have some clarity around Brexit.   apply as a non-EU/EEA citizen.
        While we still don’t know what the UK’s new
        relationship with the EU will look like next year,   Anyone arriving in Spain after 31 December
        the transition period provides some certainty   2020 will be subject to the new residence
        until 31 December 2020.                   requirements. While yet to be defined, these may
        If you are living in Spain, what might change   be much more stringent than today.
        when it comes to residence, taxation and UK
        pensions, and what steps can you take now to   Taxation after the transition period
        prepare?                                  Each country sets their tax rules, not the EU,
                                                  and tax treatment depends on residence, not
        Securing residence and existing benefits  nationality. Similarly, the UK-Spain double tax
        UK nationals who are lawfully settled in Spain   treaty is independent of the EU. As such, Brexit
        before the end of the transition period can lock   itself has no effect on how Britons are taxed in
        in a lifetime of citizens’ rights here under the   Spain. However, some non-EU/EEA assets are
        UK/EU Withdrawal Agreement. This protects   currently treated differently, so those with UK
        access to healthcare, social security, education   assets and investments are more likely to see
        and employment opportunities for as long as you  increased taxation post-Brexit.
        remain resident.
                                                  For example, if you sell a home in Spain to buy a
        If you already hold residency papers – whether   British property once the UK is outside the EU/
        temporary or permanent residence – you will   EEA, you may no longer be eligible for capital
        need to convert these to the new documents.   gains tax relief.
        Although the Withdrawal Agreement allows
        up to 30 June 2021 for this, register as soon as   In any case, the way you structure your assets
        possible to protect your position.        and wealth can make a significant difference to

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