Page 38 - Spanish Insight - August 2019
P. 38

 When I was
 DRINKing                                and being tooTERRIFIED

                                                           to leave MY HOUSE

 I LOATHED MYSELF -  to having a LIFE                        beyond my Wildest Dreams

 now I’m VERY PROUD  of who  I’VE become                       Jane is a 53-year-old full-time mother of children
                                                               aged 16 and 11, who has an “unbelievable” life
                                                               living close to Marbella. But it wasn’t always that
                                                               way - far from it… Here she tells her amazing story.

 “One morning, at the end of a drinking binge, I’d spent all my money, maxed out my credit cards, it was hot
 outside, but I couldn’t face going back to see my girlfriend or family to get some rest,” says Andrew, a 43-
 year-old business executive. “So I went to my car parked in the underground parking lot, but realised I couldn’t   There was always drinking in my family, my dad was a   I kept hearing people at the meetings say they had a “life
               mentally abusive alcoholic. There was constant rage and
 drive as I could barely walk. I sat there, wanting to be alone and isolate myself from everyone and everything.   criticism towards both me and my sister. It was horrific.   beyond their wildest dreams”. I wanted what they had, I so
                                                                     wanted that.
                 Then I discovered at the age of 11 that booze blotted out   Very quickly I found that the more I went to the AA meetings
               my fears and the loathing I developed due to the continual   and the more people there that I got to know, the more I loved
 “Then I cried and cried and contemplated   “My aunt was the first person who showed   but I went only because one of the people I met   criticism. So I thought it was fun to sneak into pubs and drink   AA. I loved how the people at the meetings made me feel like
 ending my life – but realised I didn’t have the   concern about my drinking when I was just 18,”   prior to going to my first meeting suggested it was   a bit…   I was the most important person in the room. The meetings
 courage or the means to do it. If I’d had a gun in   says Andrew, now settled on the Costa del Sol   ‘just information’ that I would find there. I liked that   A year later I started to use cannabis too. As well, I always   were so much better than I expected.
 the car, I would have probably used it on myself.    near Marbella. “I brushed that off as nonsense.   idea.   tried to change the way I felt with relationships, which were   Now I’ve been clean and sober since January 2002. To stay
 “That was one rock bottom I had that was   But looking back on my drinking and drugging   “I was also surprised at how welcoming and   almost always extremely abusive ones. Looking back, the   sober I still go to meetings, and a large part of this is that 

 caused by my drinking and the way I lived then,   career, it was always a problem almost as far   non-judgemental people were. It gave me a place   only relationship I’d known was like this, because I learned   I can now be one of the people who helps some of the people
 but there were several others – including   back as I can remember: the only real thing that 
  where I could breathe, a place where I felt safe   about relationships from what I saw behind the closed doors   who come to their first meetings, in the same desperate state
 watching my girlfriend and mother cry because   I consistently looked forward to was the next   and loved.   of my family home.   that I was in. Doing this helps me stay sober because it feels
 they didn’t know what to do and their love for me   bender.   “Now I’ve been free from alcohol and all mind-  My drinking had already become a problem by the end of   fantastic to help. As I did when I first went, people can really
 didn’t seem to be enough to stop me doing what 
  “However, I only realised it was a problem   altering substances since June 2012. I also   my teenage years. I think everyone must have known. But I
 I was doing to myself.”   much later in life, aged 34: I’d met someone and   realised I had to stop any other behaviours that I’d   relate to someone who’s actually been where they are.
 It’s frequently unfathomable like this to people   didn’t want ‘that life’ any longer, but found myself   used to change the way I felt – if not, it wouldn’t   just couldn’t stop and stay stopped. Another decade later and   I came from an extremely abusive and unhappy childhood,
 who care about someone drinking too much. But   – despite my own will – going back to it over and   be long before I drank or used drugs again.   it was extremely noticeable. Even so, I carried on drinking too   but thanks to AA my life is unbelievably happy now, one that’s
 likewise as Andrew explains, the person drinking   over again with increasingly worsening    “The 12 Steps we do in AA are an amazing   much too often for another five years.   filled with love and laughter. I have two beautiful confident
 often doesn’t know why they do it, or continue   consequences to myself and people around me.   path for coping with life and learning to have a   Then aged 35, I realised I really needed help – I simply   loving daughters, who thank God have never seen me drink. 

 despite vowing never to touch another drop.    “After probably hundreds of successive   happy life, sober. In fact, I would rather be a sober   couldn’t control my behaviour after the first drink. But even   I am also so lucky that I have a considerate loving husband
 “I always made excuses before about stopping   unsuccessful attempts to control my drinking, 
  alcoholic with the 12 Steps, than be a non-  though I knew this I couldn’t stop myself from taking that first   and we hear each other.
 and I blamed everyone else, especially those   a few violent incidents, a relationship that was   alcoholic drinker without them as they have   drink. I suppose I’d convince myself that each time it would
                                                                       My advice to someone struggling with alcohol is please 

 closest to me. I thought I was going crazy as I   falling apart, at risk of being fired professionally   profoundly changed my life and the way I look at   be different. It was always the same though.    just speak to another alcoholic who’s in AA. Call the helpline
 really didn’t want to go out on another bender, but   for regular tardiness and poor results, deeply in   the world.   So I’d wake up ashamed at what I’d done or said while   number and try some meetings, and see what happens.”
 found myself doing it over and over again anyway.    debt, the tears of my mother and concern of all    “When I was drinking I loathed myself. Life’s   drinking – and full of such huge remorse that yet again I’d
 “I would often come in to the office with virtually   my family, I finally agreed to speak to someone   infinitely better now, and I am very proud of the
 no sleep, and sit at my desk physically ill from the   about it.”   person I’ve become.”   been powerless over my drinking.
 binge, hands shaking, avoiding eye contact with   He saw three therapists, without any result.    Andrew’s message to someone who might be   My rock bottom was when I was living in Holland. All I did   AA is located along the entire Costa del Sol and there 

 my colleagues, hoping that if I kept to myself long   Then someone introduced him to a member of   struggling with alcohol is a clear: “Ask for help by   was stay in the house. I lived there for a year and was too   is a meeting with friendly people who will understand
 enough no one would notice…”   Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).   calling the AA Helpline, or reach out to someone   terrified to go further than the corner shop – and that was 
  your problems somewhere near you every day. Call the
 Growing up, Andrew had seen his parents drink    “At my first AA meeting I was surprised at how   who you’ve heard goes to AA and is sober, go to   only to buy drink. I had no life.   helpline for support: 600 379 110 or visit our website.
 especially at parties they had hosted. He’d also   many people there were, and how ‘normal’ they   a meeting, and keep going to meetings. Things   I was in an extremely horrible relationship then. The man 

 experienced rage and constant criticism,   were. I had no idea what it was going to be like,   will definitely get better if you do those things.”   I was with had other women. So I just drank and took drugs
 particularly from his father.   alone. I could see no hope and no way out.   ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS
 Andrew started drinking aged 11 – “to escape   Then a friend of mine mentioned Alcoholics Anonymous
 my life and change the way I felt”. Aged 18, he   Call our HELPline  (AA). I had what I now know is called the “gift of desperation”
 also used illegal drugs for the first time, starting   and so I went to my first meeting. Although I didn’t get it
 with marijuana, then ecstasy, ketamine,
 psychedelic mushrooms, opiates, and finally lots   600 379 110  immediately to stay sober, many things that were shared
 of cocaine. He realises now that as he got older   ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS  there at the meetings by other people who’d once drank like
 he also used relationships, sex, eating and work  For Support And Information  me but who now had their lives back on track – and, in fact,
 in the same manner.   even better lives than they’d ever known – sunk in.

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