Page 36 - Spanish Insight - August 2019
P. 36

By Naomi Diestro

        Day Trips

        on a motorbike

        This month my husband Oscar and I are
        visiting Kitty Harri’s Sculpture Garden and,
        learning our lesson from the last trip, we set
        off early to avoid the worst of the heat. Taking   enhancing the villa, pool and bar area. In   We finish up at the pool and enjoy a refreshing
        the N-340 from Nerja to Almuñécar then   short, an enchanting, tropical paradise.   drink with Kitty and Nick, served by a couple of
        turning inland along the A-4050, we arrive in                                  Italian students. They’re part of a succession
        Jete 45 minutes’ later for breakfast. Nothing’s   Kitty came to Spain in 2003 to write her   of volunteers who stay, two at a time, for a
        open, the place is deserted! Apart from the   novels. She bought the land, built a house   fortnight to help maintain the garden.
        Casa Juan restaurant that is, so we have our   on it, and has been  adding exotic  trees,
        toast and coffee here, and very nice it is, too.  shrubs and sculptures to it ever since. Those   I ask Kitty where she gets her creativity and
                                                attending her talks and writing workshops   zest for life from. “Probably from my mother,
                                                were so enthused by her unique garden, they   who is 98 and still very active, well informed
                                                encouraged her to open it to the public. Nick   and busy studying languages”.
                                                arrived in May 2014 and, after several intense
                                                months of joint creativity and hard work, it   Kitty’s such a busy lady, I’m wondering what’s
                                                finally opened in September 2014.      next on her agenda …? “I want to learn to read
                                                                                       music properly and play classical guitar so we
                                                Nick introduces himself and leads us to   can both play together, and also develop my
                                                where they run their Mosaic and Sculpting-  love of painting”, at which point Nick laughs
                                                in-Concrete workshops - on top of a huge   – “She presented me with a picture of me
                                                water tank! As he shows us examples of   playing the harpsichord recently … and then
                                                wooden  panels  and  metal  tables  he  makes   sold it!  I didn’t even get the money for it!” Kitty
                                                for  the classes,  we learn  that he’s  originally   promises to paint him a replica very soon.
                                                from Hull, he has a passion for music, plays
                                                lots of instruments, and has a background in   It comes as no surprise to see this attraction
                                                engineering. Having had 120 people working   has five stars on TripAdvisor; it must be
                                                for him back in Montreal, he is used to dealing   sweetly satisfying for them to see the fruits
                                                with people, and is so creative, practical and   of their labour being thoroughly appreciated
                                                brilliant with his hands - “A good engineer can   by so many.
        The Sculpture Garden (a not-for-profit   teach himself to do and make anything” – he
        organisation) is high upon a mountain ridge,   is perfect for this place, and for Kitty – the   It’s  time for  us  to have  lunch, but where?  –
        five minutes’ beyond the village. We’re   two of them are blessed with considerable   “Otivar - the views on that road are astonishing,
        greeted by a smiling Kitty at the entrance, and   talents and intellect, and are going through   you’ll love it!” says Kitty, so that’s what we do,
        the calming sounds of classical music being   life making the absolute most of them.    and it’s true!  We stop at Meson Madera and
        played on a harpsichord by her partner Nick                                    are given free battered chicken goujons and
        Tasker.                                 As Nick returns to his harpsichord (made by   tasty fat olives with our drink.  Fab panoramic
        After having read her biography on the   him personally!) to continue playing for the   views from the upper floor roof terrace here.
        website (, I am thrilled to meet   visitors, we wander indoors and pick up a   We also visit Restaurante Buena Vista, where
        this dynamic Swedish lady – she’s had such   brochure with information and descriptions of   we’re handed another free tapa (prawns with
        an interesting, full-on worldly life, and has   some of the 160-odd sculptures, over half of   olives, this time). I’m dismayed to see a big
        nine professions under her belt, including   which have been done by Kitty. The rest are   picture of a red London bus and hear Ed
        notary public, psychotherapist and novelist.   by artists and sculptors who have donated or   Sheeran on the radio. He gets everywhere,
        She’s written several books under the name   left their creations on long-term loan. Others   that bloke!
        of Kitty Sewell (the latest of which is The   get free accommodation and sustenance
        Fault, published last July), and her first was   while they work on their sculpture, which they   Arriving back at home, I remember at the
        a bestseller. “Ice Trap sold one million copies,   leave behind once done.     end of their brochure, Kitty and Nick wished
        which paid for this!” Kitty tells me, as I take   Taking the brochure with us, we spend a fine   visitors “A joyful and inspirational experience”.
        in the surroundings: dozens of eye-catching   old time following the sculpture trail, reading   Well, Kitty and Nick, it most certainly has
        sculptures nestled within two acres of trees   about each one as we go. (Some, marked   been.
        (mango, lime, avocado, nispero, banana …),   with a code, are for sale). It’s all so fascinating,   © Naomi Diestro 2019
        dazzling bougainvillea and colourful mosaics   and the views are splendid.

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