Page 48 - Spanish Insight - October 2019
P. 48

October 2019

         See the nOtiCe BOaRD pageS FOR MORe thingS tO DO & LOOK thROUgh the pageS tO See
         What’S On at LOCaL BaRS! FOLLOW SpaniSh inSight OnLine FaCeBOOK FOR MORe eVentS aS
         theY aRe pUBLiSheD!

        FRiDaY  4th  to  Sunday  6th  October,   Baroque  composer  whose  music  is  a  direct
        11am-2pm  and  4pm-8pm  the  Ruta  del  arte   reflection of the city in which it was composed.
        Frigiliana once again in collaboration with the   Listen to a Vivaldi concerto and hey presto you
        Ayuntamiento,  help  of  local  businesses  and   are  transported  directly  to  the  heart  of  18th
        residents  hosts  over  fifty  artists  from  Spain   century Venice. Start time 18 00 at the Centro
        and other countries to exhibit their art works.    Cultural, Nerja. Sponsor is Dr Rik Heyman. See
        The artwalk is a chance for people to visit the   the Noticeboard page for more information.
        beautiful village of Frigiliana and to see many   MOnDaY 21St – 24th LUX Mundi Torre
        types of creative art from sculpture, drawing,   del Mar visit to Baeza, Ubeda & Cazorla. See   QUiz MaSteR WanteD BY CaS teaM!
        painting, photography. This year they will have   Noticeboard for more information.   Sadly, the tenure of the energetic, entertaining quiz master Terry has come to an end. He and
        the charitable proposal ‘A daffodil for Soledad’.   tUeSDaY 22nD The Nerja Players hold an   the missus miss their native Mongolia, the wild horses, the steppes, the crazy huts, the crazy
        This  will  be  the  third  year  of  the  Frigiliana   Evening’s  entertainment  with  ‘cold  readings’.   speak, etc. We wish you well! To appreciate Terry’s contribution, the Costa Animal Society (CAS)
        artwalk and every year is more successful than   Script will be revealed upon arrival. We accept   quiz which is held monthly at the Punta Lara Bar brings in around €250-300. That amounts to
        the previous one and they are building on that   both experienced and novice actors as well as   €3000 per year. Wow! To put that in perspective, those monies will fund the sterilizations of
        success to establish a fantastic annual cultural   those who have a passion for wanting to learn   20-30 cats and 20-30 dogs.  What a difference that makes. Could you be our next quiz master?
        event.                        acting skills from our members. Time: 6:30 PM   Terry (provided he has Internet access from the yurt) will provide you with all the information
        WeDneSDaY   9th  FREE  MEMORY   for 7:00 PM Venue:           you need to help stump the punters.  If you are interested, please contact Scott on 603 416 632.
        STIMULATION  COURSE  for  over  65  year  olds,   Nerja Bridge Club, Calle Castilla Perez 1, Nerja,
        run by The Red Cross, Velez Malaga. Transport   29780 Look for the BLUE entrance door.
        assistance available. Held weekly from 11:00 –   tUeSDaY 23RD  (to  November  5th)
        12:30 on a Wednesday morning. The office is   Exhibition of Acrylics and Watercolours by David
        just off the  A-356 at the roundabout next to the   Broadhead (a tribute to his works) and Patricia
        La Palma Garden Centre. From October through   Dale.  Location:  Centro  de  Arte  y  Desorrollo
        to June 2020 with breaks for Christmas/New   Popular, at the top end of Alcaucin Times: 11:00
        Year  and  Easter.  For  more  information  or  to   to 2:00. 4:00 to 8:00 pm
        reserve  a  place  please  contact  Richard  by
        SatURDaY the 12th    AT  12  PM,  12
        artists  from  different  countries  will  introduce
        themselves in the Gallery Luz de la Vida, you’re
        welcome  to  meet  them.  From  Monday  the
        14th till Friday the 19th of October from 11AM
        - 13:00 and from 17:00 till 18:00PM you can
        visit the artists.  The artists will be at work and
        one  can  witness  the  process  of  creating  art.
        Saturday the 19th of October at 12p.m. We’ll
        have the inauguration with all the artists. A great
        exhibition in galeria Luz de la Vida, Competa.
        The show will go on till the end of November.
        Participants  come  from  Korea,  China,  India,
        Russia, Belarus, Denmark, Uzbekistan, Bulgaria
        and Belgium.                                                   WE SERVE HOME-MADE … Breakfast, lunch,
        12th OCtOBeR  Cudeca  Come  Dancing
        in  El  Trapiche  begin  their  dinner  dance  sat            snacks, cakes, vegetarian & vegan tapas from TUESDAY TO
        Trapiche.  Price  11  euros.  For  further  details,
        contact Joyce or Mike: comedancing4cudeca@                                     SATURDAY—ALL DAY! or phone Joyce on 616046713 for   tUeSDaY 29th The Nerja Players perform
        reservations.                 ‘Gaslight’,  Director  John  Brentley,  Time:  6:30   TUESDAYS Free IT advice from 1.30pm
        tUeSDaY 15th  1st  lecture  of  the  2019-  PM for 7:00 PM show Venue: Nerja Bridge Club,   FRIDAYS Yoga class 5.30-7pm
        2020 Season for the Arts Society Nerja, Vivaldi   Calle Castilla Perez 1, Nerja, 29780 Look for the
        in Venice by Peter Medhurst.  Vivaldi is the one   BLUE entrance door.  SUNDAYS Live music, buffet with over 20 dishes!
                                                                                  SEPTEMBER SPECIALS

                                                                                  2 & 16th Jazzy Jools & Co Band
                                                                        15th MAD HATTERS PARTY!
                                                                       5 Euros includes a Cocktail,
                                                                       small Canape selection and
                                                                     DANCING! From 20h. Mad hats
                                                                               obligatory !!

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