Page 30 - Spanish Insight - October 2019
P. 30

Carmona, Alcázar de la Reina

        A Night Away:

        By  Anne Fleming              make our way to the bar, where we   We arrive back in time to have a
                                      sit and enjoy a drink.
                                                                   “Guinness” in the Irish Bar attached
                                      Later in the day, as the heat abates,   to the hotel. Dark wood and stained
        Many years ago, we stayed a night   we  walk  from  the  hotel  through   windows give an air of authenticity.
        in Carmona, but as we arrived   the old town – which has been   Our waitress is delighted that
        very late, and  continued travelling   inhabited for over 5000 years.    we are Irish but can only provide
        the next day, we had little time to   We reach the Puerta de Sevilla,   us with bottled Guinness which
        explore.                      where the remains of the walls   disappoints  my  husband.    In  the
        This time we easily find our hotel,   are from the time Carmona was   evening, we chose to eat tapas and
        Alcázar de la Reina, which is in   a Carthaginian colony of great   drink wine on the outside terrace as
        an ancient Mudejar building in the   importance. This little town has   the sun goes down. Local couples
        old town with views across the   been described as the jewel in the   and groups come in to chat and
        countryside, set on a ridge only 30   crown of the Province of Seville.   have tapas while we are there.
        kilometres from Sevilla.      King Philip IV granted Carmona the   Next morning, we have breakfast in
        We find parking nearby and make   status of a city in 1630 and Miguel   the bright dining room downstairs,
        our way to reception where we   de Cervantes, author of “Don   and again, service is excellent, with
        are received warmly by a young   Quixote” lived here while preparing   tables being cleared and plates   The town of Carmona is simple and
        receptionist.  We are early, but she   provisions for the Spanish Armada.    being filled quietly as we eat.  draws only tourists who like to go
        quickly arranges a room for us and   We wander through the cobbled   We have  enjoyed our stay  at this   off the beaten track.  We are happy
        checks us in.  Our room and ensuite   streets, admiring the bell tower and   hotel. Every member of staff is   we chose this hotel and town rather
        are spacious and bright, decorated   walk outside the Cordoba Gate to   polite, smiling, well trained and   than Seville only half an hour away.
        in warm colours.  We unpack and   take photos.             respond quickly to anything we ask.

       30  Spanish Insight  October 2019
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