Page 20 - Spanish Insight - October 2019
P. 20

A cat’s brain, the vagus nerve

        and werewolf syndrome

        by Gary Miles
        We often talk about our feelings as an
        association with our digestive system. I have
        a gut feeling, I have butterflies in my stomach,
        it was a gut-wrenching experience, etc.  In
        fact, we use an expression along the lines
        of ..... I was so scared I nearly involuntarily
        emptied my bowel. Or words to that effect.
        Surprisingly it turns out that there might be
        something in this emotional gut thing. The
        gut isn’t just a tube, it is a complex system
        containing more than one hundred million
        nerve cells – more than the brain of a cat.
        It is not a thinking brain, it cannot reason, it
        cannot solve quadratic equations, but it does
        have an awareness.  This amazing system
        is known as the Enteric Nervous System or
        The  ENS stretches along  the  entire length
        of the gut, around 9 meters, monitoring
        and controlling the digestive process.  The
        ENS is responsible for the strange feelings
        of butterflies in the stomach when you are
        stressed.  It can even shut down the digestive
        process entirely when the body is in danger
        and the bloodstream is flooded with adrenalin.
        The neurons in the gut communicate directly
        with  the  bacteria  in  the  gut  and  the  ENS
        controls  the blood  flow  and,  hence, the   or hypnotherapy are more effective at   of a very odd side effect indeed.
        absorption of nutrients.                treating stomach disorders than drug-based   The story goes that 17 Spanish new borns
        The ENS communicates with the brain via the   solutions.   Doctors,  however,  find it  much   had been prescribed Omeprazole.  The babies
        vagus nerve.  The vagus nerve is probably the   easier (and much cheaper) to stuff a box of   then proceeded to develop hypertrichosis,
        most important nerve that you didn’t know   chemicals in your hand than find a counsellor   more  commonly  known  as  werewolf
        you had.  It stretches from the brain to all the   to talk with for a few sessions.  syndrome.  Hair grew across each baby’s
        important organs of the body.  It regulates   As a society we have got to the stage where   face, body and limbs.  An investigation found
        most of the critical aspects of human   we stuff drugs down our face at the slightest   that the drug company, Farma-Química Sur in
        function including, pulse, blood pressure,   upset of the tummy.  When I was a kid the   Málaga, had accidentally placed minoxidil in
        body temperature and, of course, digestion.    only thing available was Milk of Magnesia in   the bottle instead of omeprazole.  Minoxidil is
        However, 90% of the traffic along the vagus   a small blue bottle.  Now all sorts of drugs   a treatment for baldness.  Oh well accidents
        nerve are signals from the gut to the brain.    are imbibed including the most common of   happen, and the poor parents have been
        So it is not the least bit surprising that what is   them all, Omeprazole.  Also known as Losec,   reassured that in a few months their darling
        happening inside our stomachs affects how   side effects include; headache, dizziness,   babies will be returned to normal.
        we think and feel.                      constipation, gastric polyps, osteoporosis,   But the question I have is this.  Given
        It has long been known that stress and   liver damage, inflammation of the kidneys,   the potentially dangerous side effects of
        anxiety  can cause  digestive problems.    and pancreatitis.                   omeprazole what was the dreadful disease
        Studies have shown that stress can cause   I took it for years and I swear it caused my   that the doctors were treating?
        illnesses like stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis   tinnitus, but I read in the Spanish newspaper   Answer: Colic!
        and IBS.  An article published by the Harvard
        Medical School says that 13 separate studies
        have  shown that  meditation,  counselling

       20  Spanish Insight  October 2019
       20  Spanish Insight  October 2019
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