Page 70 - Spanish Insight - August 2019
P. 70
Closer to the people
The Red Cross in Spain (La Cruz Roja • The provision of an emergency (SOS) call For more information about the services
Española) helps people in need and the system via a landline or a mobile phone available or about becoming a volunteer
work is carried out by volunteers, which App and a Red Cross Call Centre. please email Richard on:- 29094social@
now include English speakers. or call 952 50 03 21
• The loan of mobility equipment such
Services available for foreign as wheelchairs, walking sticks and
residents include: crutches.
• Supplying basic necessities such as
food, clothing and shoes to people in an • Activities for older people including
extremely vulnerable situation. informative talks, memory stimulation,
discussions and cultural events.
• Providing transport and accompanying
people to appointments e.g. a medical
centre or hospital.
• Supporting people in hospital who are
alone or without close friends or family
or the spouse/partner of someone who
is in hospital.
• Visiting people in their own home who
live alone or are unable to socialise or
e.g. accompanying them for a walk to
the local shops/café
Paws for thought, if you want a Boarding Kennel & Cattery with....
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Mon-Fri: 9-5 pm, Sat: 10-4 pm, Sun: Closed
70 Spanish Insight August 2019