Page 66 - Spanish Insight - August 2019
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axarquia noticeboard: Free listings for local clubs, societies or charities

          Continued from page 68.....  ThE RED cRoss        every Sunday at 10.30. (John  3:16)  Pasaje San Miguel,
                                       The Red Cross in Spain (Cruz Roja Española) has many   TAi chi   Nerja,  29780.  Email:  Tel:
          NERJA BRiDgE clUB            programmes for older people and those in a situation   Free Classes in TORROX Pueblo in the “centro de dia   655806267/951978844  Find us on Facebook : www.
          Nerja Bridge Club holds Duplicate Bridge sessions for   of  extreme  vulnerability  and  these  programmes  are   para mayores” every Monday and Wednesday morning
          members  and  visitors  on  Wednesdays  and  Fridays   available for all people, not just Spanish citizens.  The   from 10 am – 11 am : Ivan 952 534 988  loDgE oF EURoPEAN FRATERNiTy No. 52
          at  2.30pm  (we  will  no  longer  be  running  sessions   support includes activities, workshops, domestic help/  Togs (ToRRox golF sociETy)  Any brethren visiting the area and wishing to attend one
          on  Monday  afternoons  or  Monday  evenings  for  the   transport,  personal  aids,  personal  alarms  (SOS)  and   If you would like a friendly but competitive game of golf   of our meetings, or interested in joining our lodge, should
          foreseeable future). Partners can be arranged by calling   help with food, clothing and medicine.  The Red Cross   each Sunday morning at Baviera then why not join TOGS,   contact either, David on 658 655 511 or Sandy on 646
          Joan on 95 252 0579 or David on 669 620 717. The   relies on volunteers and English-speaking volunteers are   possibly  the  friendliest  Society  on  the  Costa.  E  mail:   436 967 for further details. Visitors and joining members
          Club meets in its own premises at Avda Castilla Perez, 1   needed to develop and deliver these programmes so that  or  call  Captain  :  George   are always welcome.
       We rely on the information provided by the associations.  Please inform us if you find that any telephone number / information is incorrect or the information is obsolete.
          (blue double doors at the side of Cafeteria Royal). Further   help can be provided to the greatest number of British/  Clay on 625936814  RoMAN cATholic MAss TiMEs - El sAlVADoR
          information and results of all sessions can be seen on   Irish people in La Axarquia.For more information about   ToRRox sPANish hisToRy gRoUP   NERJA
          the Club’s website   the help available or how to become a volunteer please   We meet on the first Tuesday of the month at 11am at El   Parish priest Father Jose Maria 952 52 0291.  Sunday:10.
          NERJA DANcE clUB             call the local office on a Monday or Thursday (11:00 –   Parquesol in El Morche, all nationalities are welcome.  If   30h English & Spanish 12 noon / 8 pm (Easter to Oct)
          COME  AND  LEARN  TO  DANCE!    Ballroom  and  Latin   13:00) on 952 50 03 21 and ask for Richard OR EMAIL:   you would like to join a friendly and informative history   daily except Wed San Miguel Church father antonio  952
          American  Dancing  (11  different  dances)  Thursdays  group  and  enjoy  the  company  of  like-minded  people   52 1995.  MASS: Thurs / Fri / Sat.   7.30pm.  Sunday
          New  Beginners  Class  :-  8.30-10.30pm  (class  and   RoyAl BRiTish lEgioN  then please contact me on  10.30 am.  Confessions before Mass or by appointment.
          practise)  Improvers,  Intermediate  classes  and  private   The Royal British Legion is about people & families of   TRUMPs BRiDgE    See Church’s notices for other services.
          lessons from 7pm. OR , just come and dance on a large   all  ages;  caring  for  others  &  being  part  of  something   An  international  club  which  holds  duplicate  bridge   ANglicAN chURch oF NERJA AND AlMUñEcAR
          floor  9.00-10.30pm.    Qualified,  v.experienced,  patient   special.  Giving  and  receiving  support  depending  on   sessions  for  members  and  visitors  on  Mondays  and   Services at Inglesia de San Miquel (St. Michael’s Church)
          teachers.  Have  fun  learning  or  improving!  Partner  not   individual circumstances.   Thursdays  at  3.00pm  at  the  Nerja  Club  Hotel. This  is   every Sunday 12noon and at Capilla de Nuestra Señora
          necessary.  Cafeteria Avenida  (near  Police  Station  and   Benajarafe Branch - Meets Fridays 12.30 hrs : Puerto   now the venue for the club. We run a mentor scheme,   del  Carmen  (Fisherman’s  Chapel)  Almuñecar  every
          petrol station) For more information please ring:-  Eric   Niza Restaurant, Benajarafe  (coast road N340A at Km   the aim of the scheme is to offer pairs at all levels the   Sunday 09.30am (except during August in Almuñecar).
     The listings are a free service  - send details to
          and Jennifer 95 252 3599     263.7) Tel: 952 514 226 or for Welfare enquiries tel: 669   opportunity to have a mentor to help them to develop   Short service of Holy Communion Wednesdays 0930am
          NERJA hisToRy gRoUP (Nhg)    201  927.  Email    their game. The club looks forward to welcoming people   in  the  Church  Shop,  Calle  Malaga,  Nerja.    Details
          Nerja History Group is for anyone interested in Spanish   with possibly “rusty” experience who would like to play   available  in  the  Church  Shop.  Contact  Father  Geoff
          History. We have Lectures and Trips each month.  We   Los  Romanes  Royal  British  Legion  branch  has  two   again in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Call Andrew   Johnston Tel: Church House 952 521 339  Church Shop
          are of mixed nationalities and lectures are conducted in   venues. We meet weekly at our NEW venue The Asador   on 677655095 or Marion on 626796913 if you need a   952 522 460.
          English.  We call ourselves “enthusiastic amateurs”who   Restaurant Puente Don Manuel, and a NEW Day Monday   partner or further info.  cAlETA DE VElEz
          enjoy friendly,  monthly social gatherings. Meetings are   12.00 – 1400 hrs. And on a Wednesday at midday at   U3A AxARqUiA  Cornerstone International Church meets every Sunday
          held  at  Cultural  Centre,  Calle  Granada,  Nerja  11.00  -   the Bar La Vega, Torre Del Mar. Our friendly group get   The U3A aims to provide an opportunity for people to   for worship at 11.30 am and on Wednesday 19 pm for
          13.00 approx., usually on the first Friday of the month.   together not only to raise funds for and support TRBL   enjoy stimulating activities and enhance their knowledge   biblestudy at Calle Virgen del Mar 3 in La Caleta de Velez.
          Please  see:  .  Email:  www.  in  Spain,  but  also  meet  to  be  with  friends  and  have   and skills for pleasure. It’s run voluntarily, by members   Tel. 634540519
        some  fun,  including  quizzes,  bingo,  monthly  lunches   for members, open to all English speaking adults of any   sT gEoRgE´s ANglicAN chAPlAiNcy
          NERJA iNTERNATioNAl cAMERA clUB  etc. You do not have to have served in the Armed Forces   nationality.  Like  minded  members  meet  together  to   Velez-Malaga,    La  Capilla  de  San  Jose,  Calle  Linares
          Love  Photography?  Beginner  or  Professional?  DSLR   to become a member. Interested? Then please Phone   pursue recreational activities that are thought provoking   7.  Services  Sundays  at  10.30am.  All  denominations
          or Compact? If it’s YES to any of these then join us at   Branch Secretary Sue on M 691 544 140 or just pop   and  fun.  We  currently  have  14  different  activities  to   welcomed.  Website
          At  Club  Internacional  De  Nerja’s  premises,  Calle  San   in for a chat.  choose from. Visit our website for more information and   ToRRE DEl MAR EVANgElicAl
          Juan  42,  Nerja.  We  meet  twice  a  month  on  the  2nd   Royal  British  Legion,  Nerja  Branch  meets  twice  a   to contact us –    (PREsByTERiAN) chURch
          Wednesday  of  every  month.  Membership  fees  apply   month  for  lunch.  In  addition  to  our  regular  lunches   41 clUB - EAsT oF MAlAgA - NERJA    Torre  del  Mar  Presbyterian  Church  meet  on  the  1st
          and  visitors  welcome  for  a  small  fee.  Contact  us  at:   - 3rd Thursday at the Al Andalus Hotel, Nerja and 1st   Meets on 1st Thursday of each month for Munch Bunch   Sunday of the month at 10.30 a.m. for a Communion
,   Facebook.  Friday at Nuevo Arenas Restaurant, La Herradura- we   Lunch around our region with our partners, and on 3rd   Breakfast, other Sundays we meet at 11.00 a.m. every
          com/nerjainternationalcameraclub  have the following important dates to look forward to:   Thursday of each month for the men’s meeting at Hotel   Sunday in Legends Bar, Calle Pintor Cipriano Maldonado
          NERJA PhilosoPhicAl gRoUP    March 24 Residents’ Day; June (date TBC) Armed Forces   Al Andalus in Maro at 19.00 when our ladies go for a   9.  The contact is Bill Bedford: 694 471 005. To find out
          We meet in the El Capistrano Salon and all are welcome.   Day; October 17 AGM followed by Trafalgar Day Lunch;   meal if they wish. All former Round Tablers welcome.   more visit:
          Contact Marilyn Barry on for more   October  20  Poppy  Walk;  November  8  Poppy  Ball  at or ring Alfie 626998626  sT BARNABAs iERE (ANglicAN)
          information.                 Nerja  Caves  Restaurant;  November  10  Remembrance   whisT iN AlgARRoBo cosTA  Torre  Del  Mar,  St  Barnabas  Church  (IERE)  Spanish
          ThE NERJA PlAyERs            Day followed by lunch at the Nerja Caves Restaurant;   Whist is played every Monday at 6.30 pm at Meson La   episcopal services in English at 11am, Morning Prayer
          If you have an interest in theatre and the performing arts   December 19  Christmas Lunch at Al Andalus Hotel.  All   Estrella  (formerly  Abigail’s  Bar/Cafe)  Algarrobo  Costa   1st  and  3rd  Sundays.  Holy  Communion  2nd  and
          join this group who regularly perform rehearsed readings   are welcome to join us at any of the above. For more   (access road just before Lidl roundabout) For further info   4th  Sundays.  Tel.  952  030  461  (Priest).  Lux  Mundi
          of plays and other material.  information please contact our Chairman, Eddie Bowe,   please contact Bill on 952 551 540  Ecumenical  Centre, Avda  Moscatel  1 “I”,  (Gardens  of
          The  Nerja  Players  meet  on  the  1st  &  3rd Tuesday  of   on tel:+44 7590717384 or email: eddiebowe1@hotmail.  Viña Malaga/ Antigua Casa Del Viña).
          each month from October to March at 18.45 hours in   com                                EVANgElicAl - El PUENTE chRisTiAN
          the  Bridge  Club  premises  at  the  top  of  Calle  Castilla   sEqUENcE DANciNg       FEllowshiP - PUENTE DoN MANUEl
          Perez 1, Nerja (the large blue double doors). For further   AT  RESTAURANT  EL  TRAPICHE  on  the  first  Friday   REligioUs gRoUPs  Evangelical  Church  -    El  Puente  Christian  Fellowship
          information  please  visit  https://www.thenerjaplayers.  and  third  Tuesday  of  the  month.  We  look  forward  to   Sunday Worship 11am -  Bible Study Wednesday 2-4pm.
          com or follow us on Facebook @ The Nerja Players.  The   welcoming  old  friends  and  new  with  a  programme   AA  - Wed  7pm.  Charity  shop/books  open Wed, Thurs,
          Nerja Players welcome new members to participate in   suitable for beginners and intermediate levels. For more   FEllowshiP oF JEsUs chRisT ThE kiNg  Fri & Sat 10-1.30pm. We meet at El Puente Christian
          any capacity including performing, technical and general   information email, telephone   Whether you live in Spain or are visiting our area, we   Fellowship  premises  situated  underneath  Maroma
          support. For further information please visit https://www.  Mike 952 510 189 or Joyce 699 156 471.  would be delighted to welcome you to the Fellowship of   Inmobilaria,  Cruce  de  Periana  Puente  don  Manuel,
 or follow us on Facebook at https://  sohA ~ sAVE oUR hoMEs iN AxARqUiA    Jesus Christ The King.  Our meetings are characterised   29713. Phone: 952 117 145 or 952 518 185
    ~  is formed by a group of local residents whose mission   by uplifting songs and relevant sermons  and a modern
          oxFoRD & cAMBRiDgE AlUMNi clUB.    is to help residents protect their homes with legal help   but reverent service, followed by free tea or coffee &
          Ian Mortimer -  and  direct  action;  and  to  actively  campaign  for  the   biscuits.  Why not come along and make new friends,
          PRoBUs oF VElEz MAlAgA       establishment of an amnesty for honest home-owners in
          Probus meets each second and fourth Tuesday of every   Axarquia.  If you wish to join, attend the next meeting or
          month throughout the year. The members meet for lunch   have any questions email : sohamembership@hotmail.
          at El Trapiche Restaurant, Trapiche, for 2.00 p.m. and   com see: WWW.SOHA.ES
          normally have a guest speaker on the first meeting of the   TAil - (Torrox Animal international league)  The listings
          month.  Membership is open to all professional retired   Our association number is 08546. TAIL TORROX (Torrox
          gentlemen  living  in  the  area.    Please  view  our  pages   Animal  International  League)  TAIL  TORROX  welcome
          and contact the Secretary for more details at admin@  any  donations  of    clothing,  bric-a-brac,  furniture  for   are a free service
 or ring (0034) 607 845 603  their shops in  Avenida El Faro and the shop opposite
          ThE PhoENix sociAl clUB      Mercadona  Torrox  Costa.  Please  contact  Linda
          The Phoenix club is a registered charitable organisation   622652017 to arrange collection. www.tailtorrox.webs.
          raising  funds  for  3  local  charities  and  SSAFA  in  the   com.   - send details to
          UK.  We meet every tuesday at Bar Restaurant La Vega   TAllER DE lA AMisTAD NERJA
          between 12 and 2pm and you can book or pay from   The Association aims to defend the rights and improve   We rely on the information provided by the associations.
          12.15  onwards.    Do  pop  in  and  meet  us.  For  more   the  quality  of  life  for  people  with  learning  difficulties   Please inform us if you find that any telephone number /
          information on any of our trips or events call Gail on 951   and  their  families  in  the  province  of  Malaga.  Their
          067 723, email or catch   aim is to implement the principles of social and   information is incorrect or the information is obsolete.
          us on the webb at    occupational  integration  whilst  maintaining  stages
                                       of  personal  development. Tel:  95  252  8897  or  email:

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