Page 26 - Spanish Insight - April 2020
P. 26

A tour of the Velez-Malaga

        Brotherhoods, Las Cofradia

        By Peter Norman Read

        A year ago, on Maundy thursday,   the Brotherhood are borne by   Most of the DIETY are housed in
        I set off from home, in the rain,   the Brotherhood. Most of the   churches around the high area
        to join a group of 20 people,   Thrones carrying the various   of Velez and are moved into
        organised by gloria of lux Mundi,   DIETY can weigh up to 5 tonnes   specially erected tents during
        who were to tour and learn    and  require  250  to  300  people   Semana Santa for cleaning,
        something about the Cofrades of   to carry them, short walks and   assembling and blessing, and
        Velez-Malaga.                 short breaks are the order of the   the use of the Incense burners
        we met at 10.00am outside the   day. The making of such splendid   (Thurible), which are used during
        Ayuntamiento in  plaza de las   DIETY  requires  many  special   prayers and around the “TRONO”
        Carmelites and wonderfully the   skills and manufactures of them   or “IMAGE”. This takes place
        sun came out.   we were joined   are mainly in Seville, Malaga,   before the evening parade, the
        by  snr.Juan Zapata a  senior   and Granada. The wonderfully   duration of  the parades  vary,
        member of the Cofrade, or     intricate metalwork is mainly   some of the DIETY are out for
        Brotherhood, who had agreed to   covered in 24 carat gold leaf.   2/3 hours and some for 5 hours
        be our guide on this tour.                                 frequently into the early hours of
                                                                   the morning. Another important
        The first Cofradia was in 1937.                            and often overlooked part of the
        Confradia del Santisimo Christo                            preparations is the large number
        de Los Vigias.                                             of men, women and teenagers
                                                                   preparing food  for the penitents
                                                                   to eat.
                                                                   We were very fortunate and
                                                                   privileged to  go into these
                                                                   sanctuaries whilst all this work
                                                                   was  being  carried  out  and  able
                                                                   to see, and touch, all of the items
                                                                   that are carried on the parades
                                                                   plus see the great detail and
                                                                   works of art that creates the
                                                                   DIETY. We usually only see as it
                                                                   passes by!

                                                                      MORe inteReSting FaCtS

                                                                      In the case of inclement weather, the person in the position of
                                                                      Elder Brother has the responsibility of cancelling a procession
                                                                      just before the procession is due to go out.
                                      The rails that support the      The ringing of the bell, or bells, is to instruct all to move as one
                                      Thrones and which sits on the   when carrying.
                                      penitents’ shoulders are made
                                      of steel channel and are strong   Depending on the City, the people who carry are known as
                                      but hollow, the underneath is   COSTALEROS, PENITENTS OR NAZARENOS.
                                                                      In the early days of the Cofradias it was men only who were
        The population of Velez has grown                             carriers but in recent years women are now allowed to carry.
        in recent years to over 78,000,                               The CAPIROTES, which is the famous conical hat, was originally
        the age group 15-65 years is                                  worn to give anonymity to people belonging to and taking part
        about 50,000 and  the number                                  in the procession and therefore today it still hides the gender of
        of people involved with the                                   the person carrying.
        Brotherhoods is about 10,000.
        The number of Brotherhoods is                                 The ladies, who always follow as part of the procession, and
        currently 19 and the honoured                                 are known as “Mantillas”. These ladies are dressed in black
        position of carrier is usually                                with knee-length dresses, high heels and of course the famous
        carried on through the family                                 lace head dress with veil known as Mantilla.
        line, the current President of the
        Association of Brotherhoods is                                Whilst most people only see the Cofradia in the parades
        the 5th generation of his family to                           during Semana Santa Easter Week, they are active most of the
        carry. Some of the Brotherhoods                               year and help the Technical department of the Ayuntimiento,
        have a waiting list for people                                particularly at Semana Santa with street cleaning and lifting of
        wanting to join. An interesting fact                          electric cables to allow the Dieties to pass under safely.
        is that new Brotherhoods are still
        able to be formed and to do this                              In the charitable work they offer help to the homeless of Velez-
        the founders first of all have to                             Malaga and give donations to the handicapped and Carritas.
        make application to the Diocesan
        Bishop, state which church they
        would like to operate from, and
        await  his  permission.    All  the                        Spanish  Insight  thanks  Peter  Norman  Read  for  this  article  and
        costs for forming and running                              photographs, and to the dedicated team at Lux Mundi, Torre del Mar.
       26  Spanish Insight  April 2020
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