Page 22 - Spanish Insight - April 2020
P. 22
Style & Society Yank in the
The Royal British Legion, Nerja
Branch (Southern Spain) has a new
tRUMpS BRiDge CLUB, neRja Vice Chairman. Neil Midkiff, born
in Washington DC is a graduate of
held its annual Pairs competition the United States Naval Academy.
in February. Over 60 people He served on two nuclear
competed for the prestige of submarines during the Cold War.
being Club champions and Neil and his wife Katherine retired
this year the winning pair to Nerja in 2018. Asked why he
were Mark Overton and Cris chose to join the RBL Nerja Neil
Layton – a well deserved says “Because of my past military
achievement. In second place service and my support of the
were Mike McMorran and Wounded Warriors Project in the
Eryl Hardwick. Our thanks USA which has similar objectives
go to Michael O’Brian for to the RBL. Supporting the RBL
carefully preparing the boards. and thus the UK military and
Following the competition a veterans was a natural choice
fantastic hot Indonesian buffet and also gave me the opportunity
was supplied by La Tahona, to enjoy the comradeship of
enjoyed by everyone, with my fellow UK veterans.” We are
many compliments being delighted to have him onboard!
received on the quality and The RBL welcomes members of
flavour of the food. Thanks all nationalities. Please contact
also go to member Margie our Chairman Eddie Bowe on
Meijboom who made a complementary dessert, I-Shanghai, to round 658793641 for more information.
off a beautiful meal. This annual competition has gone from strength to n
strength and members are already looking forward to next year’s event.
Attached photo shows Club President Liz Cogley presenting the winners
with their prize The Nerja Players are going to be very
busy this March and very much
look forward to your company to
the aMeRiCan enjoy it with them… And how
wrong we were!!! Apart from
inteRnatiOnaL CLUB (aiC) Marty Margulies production of
“Rumpole and the Show Folk”
is a Nerja-based Ex-Pat Social by John Mortimer, March came in
Club whose members either very much like a lion and is proving
live or regularly visit the area, to be going out like anything but a
but originally come from various lamb! Marty’s production was, in a
corners of the globe. word, fun…a very ambitious task which Marty undertook
First established in 2008, through his amazing resourcefulness plus a very supportive
AIC has a philanthropic focus cast played out to our largest audience this year. The Nerja
working hard to raise funds for Players wish to thank to thank everybody associated with
Local People Charities - as a way our Underground Theatre, cast, techies and stagers plus
of saying thank you to our host who we all do it for ….you… the public. In conclusion….
country - and has donated over watch this space ….we will be back!!
30,000€ in total, since inception, (Keep up to date with Insight’s
to: Ciudad de los Niños, Nerja’s Noticeboard). n
Taller de Amistad, Red Cross Vélez, Solidario, Drug Rehab Almuñécar,
Cancer Support Group Nerja, Alcoholic Support Group Almuñécar
and the Asociación de Nerja de Acción Cultural (ANAC). AIC provides gOOD LUCk in YOUR
members an opportunity to meet new people, get acclimated to the
country and culture and participate in a variety of fun and interesting neW hOMe! OaSiS
activities. Boasts a diverse membership of over one hundred people
from USA, UK, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, and Argentina, albeit Our friends at OASIS have moved from opposite Torre del Mar
very few of members are actually American. Club President Don Foster Mercadona to a beach side location. All your treatments will remain
is British and has lived in Spain for just under two years. On a social the same…… Good luck team! n
level, AIC hosts Pétanque matches, walks, holiday dinners and a variety
of outings. Members meet on the first Saturday of every month at the
Hotel Nerja Club. In addition to the monthly business meeting, weekly
Saturday coffee mornings are held in different locations, including
Frigiliana and Nerja, Torrox Costa and Torre Del Mar. Naturally AIC
celebrates traditional US holidays, such as Thanksgiving in November
and Independence Day on 4 July as well, as making sure there’s a
party for other international events, such as Chinese New Year and
Oktoberfest, which is celebrated every year in Torrox where there has
been a large German community for many years. To Join the Club,
simply go to our Facebook page - AIC Nerja - for an Application Form
and to make payment online via PayPal or your credit/debit card. It’s
only €15 per annum, over 95% of which goes to our Designated Local
Registered People Charities. Alternatively, email to
arrange to meet a board member. n
22 Spanish Insight April 2020