Page 38 - Property Portfolio - September 2019
P. 38
NewsDigest Property Portfolio, in conjunction with property
portals Kyero & Tinsa, and press articles
relating to Spain, brings you a few of the news
headlines with a property and economic bias.
Remember that if you
are a parent or guardian
you should be aware
that any under 18 who
is ‘resident’ in Spain and
travelling alone or with a
third party (for example,
on a school trip) may need
your written authorisation
to travel. This authorisation
will need to be carried
alongside valid travel
documents. If a certified
authorisation is required
for a British under 18,
you should seek advice
from a Public Notary
( Please note ( (
that British Consulates do not provide travel and certified at a Police station or at the Guardia
authorisation documents. If the under 18 is a Civil. (Source British Embassy Spain) n
Spanish national, forms can be downloaded
38 Portfolio