Page 48 - Property Portfolio - November 2019
P. 48



        Recently published official news from the  they should declare all their income in Spain,
        Spanish Inland Revenue (Agencia Tributaria)  and this has proved to be very effective in
        provides information regarding the ANNUAL  many cases.
        INCOME     TAX   RETURNS     CAMPAIGN,    In conclusion it could be said that the sharing
        (CAMPAÑA  DE LA  DECLARACIÓN DE  LA  of computer data by Tax offices is much easier
        RENTA), carried out during April, May and  and more effective nowadays. Resulting in the
        June 2019, corresponding to the Tax Year  Spanish Tax Authorities having access to much
        2018.                                     more information than ever about citizens. To
        According to this official information the  avoid penalties, charges and default interests,
        campaign was a total success in terms of  we recommend all readers should submit their
        TAXES COLLECTED by the Tax Office, being  annual tax returns  correctly and  on  time  (as
        the highest amount in decades.            residents or as non-residents), by contacting
        The  tax  office  normally  refunds  money  to  a professional solicitor / tax advisor.
        citizens (around 300 MILLION EURO), but this  All readers should contact a professional to
        time the Tax office received an extra 1,100  review their personal tax situation and be
        MILLION EURO.                             ready to pay their taxes on time.
        The total amount of tax collected by the tax  Our law office is happy to meet readers free
        office was much more than expected by the  of charge to review and discuss their personal
        authorities.                              circumstances and recommend the best
        The  reason  for  this  increase  in  the  total  tax  course of action.
        collected was because now all European Union  To make a free appointment please contact
        countries interchange their tax information and  our Law office.
        this together with the taxes now being paid
        by the bigger private companies like Airbnb,  Jose M. Lopez-Avalos
        Homeaway, etc. also contributed to this rise.   Tel. (00 34) 952 901 225
        Using the information provided by other EU  Fax. (00 34) 952 901 226
        countries the tax office has sent thousands of  E-Mail:
        “Informative” letters to citizens suggesting that

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