Page 44 - Property Portfolio - November 2019
P. 44

NewsDigest                                   Property Portfolio, in conjunction with property
                                                   portals Kyero & Tinsa, and press articles
                                                   relating to Spain, brings you a few of the news
                                                   headlines with a property and economic bias.

        T’IS THE TIME TO BE MErrY?

        Whilst we are not advocating ‘drinking and   ‘Copa’: (Gin & tonic etc) (38%): one and a
        driving’ the Christmas season is around the   half glasses (50ml) is max, the other half could
        corner  and  social  gatherings  including  alcohol   put you over the limit.
        are highly likely for a lot of people. The legal   Guidelines state for women (typically
        limits and recommendations have not changed   weighing between 50 and 70 kilos):
        in Spain and fines issued remain the same, but   Beer (5%): one ‘tercio’ (33cl or about 0.6 pints)
        many are unsure of the levels ‘permitted’. The   is the limit
        DGT traffic authorities have published guidelines   Wine (12%): 1 and a half normal sized glasses
        which offer ‘advice’ but naturally every person   (100ml) is maximum recommendation
        is different, not just in terms of age and weight.   Small liquieurs or ‘vermut’: 1 and a half
        They also state that you should think twice   glasses (70ml)
        before drinking alcohol and driving.      Spirits (23%): one glass
        Guidelines state for men (typically       Brandy (45%): one glass
        weighing between 70 and 90 kilos):        ‘Copa’: (Gin & tonic etc) (38%): don’t even
        Beer (5%): one ‘tercio’ (33cl or about 0.6 pints)   think about it if you’re taking the wheel, one will
        is safe, 2 will put you to close/over the limit  be enough to incur a fine in most cases.
        Wine (12%): 2 normal sized glasses (100ml) is
              maximum recommendation              The time taken for the body to eliminate alcohol
               Small liqueurs or ‘vermut’: 2 glasses   from the system is again different, every person
               (70ml)                             is different. However, consider that it takes an
               Spirits (23%): two small glasses (45ml)  average man as long as 1 hour 45 minutes to be
                Brandy (45%): one is safe, 2 will put   free of the effects of just one beer, and over an
                you to close/over the limit                            hour even for one small
                                                                        liqueur,   recovery
                                                                        times for women can
                                                                        be up to 3 hours for
                                                                        a gin and tonic! In
                                                                       conclusion the safest
                                                                      option is to take public
                                                                      transport, a taxi, a friend
                                                                      who doesn’t drink or
                                                                      abstain. (Source Murcia

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