Page 72 - Spanish Insight - August 2019
P. 72
One more year, in the unique setting such And like every year, so that you can discover the treasures that each exhibition holds,
as Frigiliana, one of “The most beautiful we will put at your disposal the information brochures with a map, where you will
villages in Spain”, more than 50 artists from find the 34 locations and an example of the work of each artist. As well, this year we
12 different nationalities will show their works will also have an information kiosk to collect the brochures, ask your questions and
in the 34 locations that you will discover participate in the photocall.
along your walk through the picturesque One more year we want you to enjoy the walk and the art in an environment full of
white streets. Come and enjoy THE 3RD ART charm, beauty and creativity.
ROUTE OF FRIGILIANA! From the 4th to the To thank all the people and groups that have supported us and made it possible for
6th of October 2019 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. this project to grow and become an annual appointment for residents, participants and
and from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. visitors.
Different disciplines: painting, photography, Special thanks to the collaboration of the establishments HOSPEDERÍA EL
sculpture, collage ... As many styles as CARAVANSAR, HOTEL CASA TORREÓN109, HOTEL VILLA FRIGILIANA,
authors and a great variety of techniques, PELUQUERÍA MARÍA ISABEL; to
materials: tiles, clay, glass, cardboard, paper, the Associations EL ABANICO and
canvas, wood, stone, metal ..., that you will FRIGILIANARTE; to the individuals
be able to appreciate chatting personally with BASILIZA SÁNCHEZ, LOLITA
the artists themselves. GUTIÉRREZ, PATY CRUZ, THEA
Among the particularities of this edition, we BAIRD, and to all those who have
want to highlight our PHOTOCALL, thanks contributed so that the RUTA DEL
to which, you can be part of the 3rd RUTA ARTE FRIGILIANA is possible.
DEL ARTE FRIGILIANA, as a spectator and Organized by Maribel Martín and
as a creator. You can make your own work Brendon Taylor (Studio-gallery
of art in the PHOTOCALL, that you will find AMARTE) in collaboration with the
next to the information kiosk, and share it on Town Council of Frigiliana.
social media by tagging @rutadelartefrigiliana The brochures with the map and the
or using #rutadelartefrigiliana locations will be available from August
#fotocolrutadelartefrigiliana in the tourist offices of the area and
#photocallrutadelartefrigiliana, so that commercial stores.
everyone can see all the works created in the
RUTA DEL ARTE FRIGILIANA 2019. For more information:
A special mention requires the posthumous tribute to Soledad Platero Sánchez (1995- @rutadelartefrigiliana
2019) in LOCALIZATION Nº14, where, along with her posthumous work, is the initiative
UN NARCISO PARA SOLEDAD, a charitable proposal to raise funds for research Studio-gallery AmArte Frigiliana
against cancer, in general and sarcoma, in particular.
Paws for thought, if you want a Boarding Kennel & Cattery with....
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Cool for Cats and Happy Hounds
Mon-Fri: 9-5 pm, Sat: 10-4 pm, Sun: Closed
72 Spanish Insight September 2019