Page 11 - Spanish Insight - August 2019
P. 11
Fingers & Toes Massage Therapy
Unisex Manicures & pedicures * nail extensions,
acrylic and gel Overlays * Victoria Vynn gel polish All types of relAxINg, HolIstIC AND Deep
* nail Dipping technique * paraffin Wax Skin tIssue treAtMeNts for MeN AND woMeN.
Conditioning treatments
Swedish, Deep tissue, aromatherapy, hot Stone,
Lymphatic Drainage, Chair & indian head Massage.
hopi ear Candles, Reiki, Reflexology.
Hair Experts
qualified to the highest standards in all aspects of hairdressing including: Balayage, Ombré, Sombré Free Hand, sweet hair
straightening and Now AsK ABout our BrAND New Scalp & Hair Therapy Treatment for men & women using specific
AroMAtHerApy oIls. Home Care Products Available to Buy.
Cruce de Periana, Puente don Manuel, Lake Viñuela (along from Morenos)
Follow us for more offers!
Telephone 951 204 158 | Mobile 654 897 410 ‘hair and beauty studio, lake vinuela’ September 2019 Spanish Insight 11