Page 8 - Spanish Insight - October 2019
P. 8


        By Naomi Diestro

        It’s October and here we are   into decrepitude, we simply must   our bodies more and our brain
        in autumn already, can you    override any default setting to be   less.
        believe it?  Friends and family   sloth-like.  Remember that quote   Dementia was the leading cause
        have come and gone and the    from Socrates? – ‘Those who   of death in  England and  Wales
        lethargy-inducing summer heat   think they have no time for bodily   last year – shockingly, one
        that rendered us bone idle has   exercise will sooner or later have   person is developing it every   fun!!  The energy-boosting moves
        now passed, so we can move    to find time for illness’.   three minutes. A recent report   are gentle but effective, and
        on from feeling like the stuffing’s   It’s especially important for   reckons that as much as one   there’s no pressure on anyone to
        been knocked out of us and get   anyone feeling defeated or   third of cases could be prevented   do anything they’d rather not.
        moving again ... right?       overwhelmed by life’s issues.    by diet, lowering blood pressure   It’s also a social activity; we like
        Autumn can also be an excuse   The NHS website confirms that   and, yes, exercise.       to meet up for a chat over coffee
        to slip into couch-potato mode   many GPs prescribe exercise   Ever visited Nerja’s Sisters of the   afterwards. Many come regularly
        and  adopt  a  mañana  (as  in  ‘not   as a treatment for a range of   Good Samaritan residential care   and it’s always cheering to see
        today’!) attitude towards getting   conditions, including depression.   centre and spent time with those   firm friendships being made.
        ourselves fitter. It’s true that the   Take a tip from Dale Carnegie,   poor stroke victims and other   Whatever activity you plump
        less you do, the less you want   famous lecturer and writer of    residents who have literally lost   for, it absolutely must be a
        to  do,  but  if  we  can  try  to  help   books such as ‘How to stop   their  minds?   It’s  one  heck  of a   pleasurable experience otherwise
        dodge those nasty diseases and    worrying and start living’, who   sobering reminder for us  to at   the temptation to chuck it in will
        chronic  conditions,  and  put  the   said that  if we’re worried  about   least  attempt  to  save  ourselves   be  forever  there.  It’s  got  to  be
        brakes on the dreaded descent    something, we should exercise    from this terribly sad fate. Of    a way of life. We owe it  to our
                                                                   course, nothing’s guaranteed, far   bodies; it’s the best gift we can
                                                                   from it, but we’ll certainly improve   give ourselves, so go on, go for it!
                                                                   our odds. Remember what they   Good luck!!
                                                                   say: if you rest, you rust - there’s
                                                                   no time like the present, so come   Move It To Music! classes start
                                                                   on people, let’s get moving!  Saturday the 19th October,
                                                                   For  any  reluctant  exercisers  out   11  am,  at  Time  Sport  Gym  in
                                                                   there, listening to some of your   Nerja (on the main Nerja-to-
                                                                   favourite  tunes is  sure to  get   Maro road opposite Iranzo
                                                                   your toes tapping and your hips   supermarket).
                                                                   wiggling – any movement is
                                                                   better than no movement, after   Naomi Diestro is a qualified
                                                                   all ...                       Exercise to Music instructor.
                                                                   How does a bit of exercise to   For  further  information,
                                                                   music grab you?  I run a Saturday   you can call/WhatsApp 675
          MOVE IT TO MUSIC!                                        morning dance fitness class here    846 217, or send an email:

                                                                   in the winter months because
                                                                   I badly love pop music (I have   If  you  haven’t  exercised
                         Nerja’s gentle, informal & fun            to hear it every day) and it’s my   recently, it’s advisable to get
                                                                   chance to really let rip and fill my
                                                                                                 the thumbs-up from your
                                       dance fitness class         boots, boogying on down to my   local GP before starting any
                                                                                                 exercise programme.
                                                                   favourite catchy tunes … it’s such
                       Groovy tunes – Graceful moves – Good times!
                               Starting 19th October                  BENEFITS OF AEROBIC EXERCISE

                                     through to Easter                It improves your …
                                                                      Cardiovascular health, blood pressure and blood sugar levels,
                          Saturdays, 11am-12noon                      mood  and  sense  of  wellbeing,  energy  levels,  motor  skills,
                                                                      posture, balance, co-ordination, agility, skin’s appearance, brain
                         Followed by an optional catch-up over a cuppa  function, sleep quality, strength, muscular endurance, bone
                           Time Sport Gym, Nerja (Avda de Pescia, 21)   density, flexibility, confidence, immune system, self-assurance,
                                                                      lifespan and its quality
                                               5 € per class          And improves your chances of …
                                                                      Maintaining weight, making new friends, building strong muscles
                                     Come with water & towel,         and bones, relieving pain, dodging chronic diseases and
                            wear trainers & something stretchy        reducing asthma attacks (it lessens their severity and frequency),
                                                                      fighting off infection
                                                 See you there!
                               Lift your spirits with this
                            joyful, feel-good workout!

                    m: 675 846 217 /
                   Classes held in English / No gym membership required
                                              / Qualified instructor

                      If you haven’t exercised recently or have a medical
                    condition it’s wise to get your doctor’s prior approval

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