Page 72 - Spanish Insight - October 2019
P. 72
Happy Tale: sized female who is about knee-high and weighs around 20 kilos. If you
Toby and the would like to meet Marilyn or are looking to adopt and dog or cat or perhaps
Importance of willing to foster a pet please contact Kurt and Laura at 95 252 1426 or
Fiona through the CAS website, or our facebook
Fostering! page: /casnerja. To find out more about helping CAS contact Vera at 95
Toby was one of three 252 9670.
puppies found in a The CAS shop welcomes all donations of ladies’ and men’s clothing and
cardboard box near the accessories. Please help us to restock our shelves. Of course all shop
old sugar factory in Maro last April. (Imagine proceeds go directly to helping our animal friends in need, primarily to vet
that.) Carol, a Costa Animal Society (CAS) bills and kennelling costs. Located next door to the Good Stuff Café in Nerja
volunteer took the trio under her wing, god at No. 2 Calle Castilla Perez. Our opening hours are Monday to Saturday
love her. Two were homed locally but Toby from 10.00am until 2.00pm.
stayed with Carol and continued to grow. A
big lad, Toby he is probably a cross between a Wire Haired Pointer and
a Spanish Mastin. He is a gentle giant with a sweet disposition who gets
along with everyone. In the last month a German man visting Nerja inquired
at the CAS shop about adopting a rescue dog. When he was introduced
to Toby he fell in love. As it was Carol’s routine to take the big boy for a
two-hour walk every day up the Río Chillar in Nerja, as he loves to swim,
the German man began to accompany them. To be honest, this is about
as good as it gets for a volunteer to foster a dog and for such a kind person
to arrive and make the perfect match for adoption. Toby will be leaving
soon for a new life in Germany with all of those delicious sausages waiting.
Carol will miss Toby terribly, but fostering is an extremely rewarding, and
invaluable service. Thank you so much Carol and we will look forward to
seeing pictures of the Herr Toby in his new home abroad.
Available for Adoption
Benji, Betty and Hector could be mistaken for siblings but Benji and Betty
are from a litter of pups which was dumped with CAS in March 2018,
whereas Hector was brought to the charity about six months earlier. All
three dogs are medium size that come below knee height and weigh
between 16-20 kilos. These lovely dogs are happy and playful and usually
get along well with other dogs but would not be good with cats. Marilyn is
a sweet German Sheppard cross, about two-years old, that was found lost
in-between Torrox and Competa. She has a wonderful character and gets
along well with everyone including cats and children. Marilyn is a medium-
It is with great sadness that
Tail has to let all our friends
and supporters know that
our Founder and President,
Sue Whewell, died during
September. Sue had lived in
Spain, off and on since 1965
for around 40 years. Tail came into existence ten years ago when it was
created as a legal entity and has since grown considerably to encompass
two fundraising shops and a Refuge for abandoned and maltreated dogs,
all with the very considerable efforts of a large number of volunteers. It is
fair to say that it has been a continual case of catch up, there have always
been more dogs than there has been space for them. But we have tried
our best! Tail will continue and by the time you read this a new President
will have been appointed, with a revamped committee, to bring added
vigour to our efforts. More than ever before, to keep Sue’s legacy going,
Tail would love to hear from anyone – any nationality, any age – who is
able to find the time to spend
volunteering with the charity.
Any support is welcome, your
time, some funds, a visit to our
shop in Torrox Costa, fostering
or adopting. If you would like
to help in the shops please
telephone Jean on 629 469
445, and for walking or the
refuge telephone Kayleigh on
622 139 623. Facebook TAIL
TORROX. You can Email us
Direct at:
72 Spanish Insight October 2019