Page 54 - Spanish Insight - October 2019
P. 54

27-06-2012   18:59:26
 0ISCIS  /LD 3UGAR   #ANE &ACTORY                         62  Spanish Insight  July 2012  Insight_JULY.indd   62
    6ERDEMAR                        FaddW VW^ ?Sd


                   FaddW VW^ ?Sd      FaddW VW^ ?Sd


                 Calle Pintor Cipriano Maldonado 7A, Edificio Salares,  Torre del Mar (Opposite the bus station) 952 54 75 54 / 680 210 414


 300-320 g   €13.50

 This month Argentinean Entrecot

                                                                                                                     Advertise here...


 1  1                 1                         2               5

 ReseRves: 0UT YOUR BUSINESS   952 54 51 89 ON THE MAP FOR JUST  Argentino Grill Restaurant    %UROS PER MONTH   AvdA. ToRé ToRé, 3 INCLUSIVE OF )6! ToRRe del MAR, MAlAGA  Centre of Torre del Mar, Pasillo Bateria N9  0UT YOUR BUSINESS   ON THE MAP FOR JUST      %UROS PER MONTH   INCLUSIVE OF )6!

 0UT YOUR BUSINESS   ON THE MAP FOR JUST      %UROS PER MONTH   INCLUSIVE OF )6!  0UT YOUR BUSINESS   ON THE MAP FOR JUST      %UROS PER MONTH   INCLUSIVE OF )6!      0UT YOUR BUSINESS   ON THE MAP FOR JUST         %UROS PER MONTH   INCLUSIVE OF )6!  0UT YOUR BUSINESS   ON THE MAP FOR JUST         %UROS PER MONTH   INCLUSIVE OF )6!      5  ReseRvations:     952 54 51 89  667 339 412  avda. toRé toRé, 3   toRRe del MaR   Malaga  Put your   business on   the map from   just 20 Euros   per month   inclusive of   IVA

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