Page 8 - Spanish Insight - November 2019
P. 8
Dieting for Dummies!!
By Amanda Payne Edge
Amanda Payne Edge is a regular writer for Spanish Insight with an excellent business in Puente don Manuel (Bodyworks). We
recently had a discussion about her role in clients’ lives, she impressed me with her back to basics principles for self-care,
seeking therapy as quickly as possible and not living with pain as well as her incredible knowledge of anatomy & physiology.
An additional part of her role is often to guide clients about nutrition in order to either speed up recovery, prepare them for
surgery or to live a more pain free life. Here Amanda pens a great article detailing the actual simplicity of how to lose weight.
Amanda says “I recently had a client come to We are all guilty of thinking the odd coffee or There is also the other attitude that if we are
me with a knee problem. He had been told by healthy snack won´t count for much but this eating healthily then we can up the quantity,
the doctor that he needed a knee replacement can sometimes be the reality: this still increases the calorie intake and
but the doctor refused to put him on the a lot of foods that claim to be a ‘nutritious
waiting list as he was overweight and didn´t alternative’ are actually ladened with calories.
meet the BMI guidelines. I come across a lot
of patients like this, but the problem is that
they are in so much pain they can´t exercise
so the only other solution is ‘diet’.
There have been so many “revolutionary” diets
over the years, usually the next contradicts
the last, that I have decided to make it as
easy as pie (excuse the pun) to lose weight.
This article is not addressing nutrition, super-
foods or anything else along these lines, it
is just basically explaining how to drop the
In a nutshell (more food puns!) it is this
simple....calories in-calories out. So, what
does this really mean? Our bodies need
calories to give us energy, keep us alive and
to function in everyday life, this is resting
basal metabolic rate. On average women
need approx 1400 and men 1600 calories.
Remember this doesn´t include other factors
like exercise and high activity jobs, this means
if you just sat doing nothing! If we eat more
calories than our bodies use, then the body I hear a lot of my clients say they eat so little So, if your sole aim is to lose weight, basically
stores them as fat. If, however, we take on but don´t understand why they can´t lose the it is back to calorie counting. All foods now
less calories than our bodies burn, then it will weight: have calorie information
use your fat stores for energy, therefore you on them so it is pretty
will lose weight. simple to count calories.
Again, I want to reiterate this isn´t about I have found that apps
healthy living, good fats or anything along like “my fitness pal” are
those lines, it is for those out there that need a great help in the start
to lose the inches. as they have a library
Now this is where it gets really interesting, of foods on them that
and where so many people striving to lose have the calories already
weight are going so wrong, they are confusing listed. Remember
healthy eating with dieting. For example, calories in need to be
although fruit and nuts are nutritionally good less than calories out.”
for us, this doesn´t mean they don´t contain
calories. See below: Amanda is a qualified
Sports & Remedial
therapist also specialising
in Therapeutic
Ultrasound, Kinesiology,
Taping, G5 Massage
and Passive, Active
Stretching. Contact her
on 655 936 590, and see
her main advert for more
8 Spanish Insight November 2019