Page 36 - Spanish Insight - November 2019
P. 36

Style              &          Society

          The local ‘MG Touring Andalucia’ classic car club rallied round
          to visit the classic motorcycle and car meet in Villanueva del
          Trabuco, followed by a trip to the Viñuela feria - both well
          received events with many enthusiasts participating. Derek
          Squires, the Malaga contact for the UK MG Owners Club said,
          “we enjoyed a lovely 80kms drive there and back through the
          mountains via Zafarraya, only €3 to take part, was given two
          printed-logo polo-shirts, a delicious dish of paella, a can of drink,
          and a trophy to bring home, so can’t really beat that for a day
          out!”. Their day continued with a successful charity Macmillan
          Coffee Morning hosted by Derek and his wife Debbie for the
          MGTA car club raising €176!  If you would like to donate to the
          Macmillan charity, contact Derek and Debbie, and if you have
          any model MG car, classic or modern they are all eligible -
          interested in the club? Get in touch with Derek via Facebook or
          email at

        nerja history group
                                                                       from Within

                                                                       Nikki Carter, owner of
                                                                       ‘Balance from Within’ held
                                                                       an open evening enabling
                                                                       existing and new clients
                                                                       to ask anything about
                                                                       the subject of Colonic
                                                                       Hydration.  Nikki said “this
                                                                       new part of my business
                                                                       has been well received and
                                                                       I’ve been really pleased
        The 2019-20 season of Nerja History group got off to a cracking start
        in October with a Talk by our Guest Speaker, Dani Muñoz entitled “The
        Faces of Spain: exploring Spanish identities and Spain’s relationship to                            with the response
        Europe in the age of democracy 1978 - today”.  Dani was born in Malaga,                             and interest people
        raised in Nerja and lived for 10 years as an Anglican Minister in the Oxford                        have   shown   in
        Diocese - his use of English is wonderful and his delivery was both                                 it, good health is
        informative and amusing. The following Friday, we went for a guided visit                           so essential and
        to the little-known town of Moron de la Frontera in the Province of Seville,                        very  achievable”.
        welcomed by Rosario Andujar Luna, the Counsellor for Tourism, we were                               Balance      from
        each given a canvas shoulder bag with brochures. We then had a guided                               Within  is located
        walking tour of the lovely town and after lunch, went to the fascinating                            by the Pool Shop
        Museum of Cal.  In 2011, this tradition was recognised by UNESCO as                                 in  Puente   don
        a Cultural Heritage of Humanity.  The Nerja History Group is for anyone                             Manuel. See main
        interested in Spanish History and meets each month between Oct - April                              advert or  contact
        with Meetings and trips.  The next meeting is Friday 8th November, Guest                            Nikki on +34 605
        Speaker, author David Baird see, email:                                   673 976.                               n                                                        n

                                                                          Currencies Direct Nerja organised an information event
                                                                          giving attendees a fantastic opportunity to meet many
                                                                          experts in one location. Gaynor Procter Smith from
                                                                          Currencies Direct – Nerja said ‘ We were really pleased
                                                                          with the great attendance for our Expat breakfast info event
                                                                          and I would like to thank Tyler at Hudsons Bar for hosting,
                                                                          and the lovely full English breakfast provided. Additionally
                                                                          our thanks are extended to all the speakers today: Golden
                                                                          Leaves Funeral Plans Ruth Forder, Michelle Palin Lobster,
                                                                          C&D Solicitors Francisco Delgado Montilla and Ariane,
                                                                          Spectrum International Financial advisors Antony Poole
                                                                          plus Suzan from British Consulate General’.

       36  Spanish Insight  November 2019

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                                                                                  Let’s talk currency
                                                                                  Marbella          Fuengirola           Benalmádena        Nerja
                                                                                  Plaza de las Orquídeas, C/ Orquídea,  Avda. Alcalde Clemente Díaz Ruíz s/n,  Avda. Antonio Machado,   C/Antonio Ferrandis Chanquete 1,
                                                                                  Local 5, Nueva Andalucía,  Urb. Puebla Lucía, Edificio Leo, Local 1,  Edificio Diana I Local 13,   Local 1A,
                                                                                  Marbella, 29660, Málaga  Fuengirola, 29640, Málaga  Benalmádena Costa, 29630, Málaga  Nerja, 29780, Málaga
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