Page 8 - Spanish Insight - August 2019
P. 8


        We certainly hope so!

           When you are here in Spain we want you to enjoy the experience
           and make the most of your well-deserved break, however,
           accidents can happen and illnesses occur. To help you whilst in             in  Spain  is  Nolotil.  This  product  is  banned
           our area here is some information as a guide:                               in  several  European  countries,  including
                                                                                       Sweden,  the  UK  and  Ireland  as  side  effects
                                                                                       can prove fatal to fair skinned people). Drink
        IF YOU EXPERIENCE A MEDICAL             5 You will see the doctor again for the results.  plenty of water to replace lost fluids – ask at
        EMERGENCY, you can either:                                                     the Farmacia for an electrolyte drink, use an
        • call for an ambulance (061 or 112) or   *If  you  are  taking  a  child  is  it  essential  to   after-sun cream and apply aqueous calamine
        •  visit a health centre with 24-hour emergency   provide this.                cream or aloe vera gel to sooth and moisturize
          cover or                                                                     burnt skin.
        •  go to the emergency (urgencias) department   If you are kept under observation, the visiting
          of a hospital (Torre del Mar / Nerja)  times are very limited (twice a day normally)   OVERHEATING - Symptoms include headache,
                                                but  once  admitted  to  a  room  (two  beds   dizziness,  nausea  and  vomiting,  muscle
        To be entitled to free treatment you need to   to  a  room)  patients  can,  if  they  wish,  be   weakness, cramps and fatigue. If this happens,
        provide a valid and up-to-date passport and   accompanied by one person 24/7.    lie down in a cool place and drink a rehydrating
        EHIC  (European Health Insurance Card) for                                     sports drink, slightly salty water or an electrolyte
        the patient. If you live here you provide your   In the case of your child:    drink (see above re Farmacia). Left untreated,
        health card.                            Make  sure  that  your  child  always  wears  the   heat  exhaustion  can  develop  into  heatstroke,
                                                identification bracelet, if you had to remove it   a life-threatening condition in which the body’s
        Remember that the EHIC is for emergencies   for some technique, insist that it be placed on   temperature control stops functioning.
        only for people on holiday and that, once you   the other arm.
        have  been  discharged,  you  are  expected  to                                PRICKLY  HEAT  -  this  itchy,  irritating  rash
        return to your own country for any follow-up   The child must always be accompanied by a   develops  when  sweat  glands  become
        treatment.                              family member or caregiver, both in the room   blocked. Relieve discomfort by wearing loose
                                                and in other areas of diagnosis or treatment,   cotton  clothing,  taking  an  antihistamine  to
        The  EHIC  can  be  obtained  by  going  to  the   with exceptions such as an operating room.  relieve  the  itch  and  smoothing  on  aqueous
        website:                                    calamine cream or natural oatmeal cream.
        healthcare-abroad/apply-for-a-free-ehic-  Make  sure  that  the  relevant  information  of
        european-health-insurance-card/         the  child  is  included  in  your  medical  record   REPELLENTS.  Some  insect  repellents  are
                                                and  that  the  alerts,  especially  allergies  to   based on natural oils like citronella, eucalyptus
        If you apply for an EHIC retrospectively then   medicines, food, latex, etc. are conveniently   or  lavender.  For  stronger  treatments  the
        you must ensure that it is valid from the day   indicated on visible signs at the head of the   Spanish Farmacias have an array of products
        you needed it, otherwise you will have to pay   bed and in the medical record.  to  repel  and  help  with  bites,  including  wrist
        for the days not covered.  In the public sector                                bands.
        you will need your passport, your address in   Some  hospitals  have  volunteer  interpreters,
        Spain, and back home, plus your telephone   for  example  the  Hospital  Comarcal  de  La   FOOD POISONING - if you are suffering from
        number, and proof of insurance.         Axarquia  in  Velez-Malaga  has  interpreters   symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
                                                from 8:30 to 14:30 on weekdays, similarly the   and stomach pain, often with a fever or aches
        If you are relying on private health insurance,   health  centre  in  Nerja.  There  is  information   and pains, it could be food poisoning. Drink
        you  can  go  directly  to  the  private  sector  as   about these interpreters and the hospital on   lots of water to avoid dehydration but don’t
        directed  by  your  provider  or  the  hospital,  it   this website: www.avisavoluntariosinterpretes.  eat  until  you’ve  stopped  vomiting,  wait  20
        is  your  responsibility  to  put  the  company  in   com                      minutes  at  least  before  food  and  then  try
        touch  with  the  hospital/  health  authority  so                             eating  small  amounts  of  bland  food  such
        that they can send a guarantee that they will   For some illnesses you can prevent   as  bread,  pasta  or  potatoes.    If  symptoms
        pay for your treatment.                 symptoms increasing and/or try these ideas:  continue, go to the Farmacia or Hospital.
                                                SUNBURN – If your skin becomes pink and
        If  you  have  neither  an  EHIC  nor  private   sore after too much time in the sun, a cool/  Spanish  Insight  thanks  Mr  Christopher
        insurance, you will receive treatment but will   lukewarm  bath  and  painkiller  (like  aspirin)   Cluderay  (Torre  del  Mar  Hospital  Interpreter
        have to pay for it. The hospital will need your   or  anti-inflammatory  may  help  (if  you’re   and  President  of  AVISA  (Asociación  de
        passport,  address  and  phone  number  in   not  allergic  to  them,  please  be  aware  that   Voluntarios  Intérpretes  para  la  Salud  en
        Spain and at home.                      the  Spanish  Health  Ministry  has  issued  a   la  Axarquía),  the  charitable  association  of
                                                warning regarding the misuse of metamizole,   voluntary  interpreters  in  the  Axarquia  health
        In the emergency department the         a painkiller whose most popular brand name    service.
        procedure is as follows:
        1  You usually deal with the paperwork at the
          reception desk on entry to the hospital                                                    Emergency cover
        2  You will be seen by a nurse in Triage. S/he                                               is available in:
          will ask, in Spanish:                                                                      •  Algarrobo
          a What the problem is
          b If you have any other health problems*                                                   •  Alfarnate
          c If you have any allergies, especially to                                                 •  Benamargosa
              any medication*                                                                        •  Cómpeta
           d What medication, if any you are taking
              (take them with you if possible)                                                       •  Nerja
        3  You will see a doctor                                                                     •  Torre del Mar
        4  You  will  have  any  necessary  tests  (blood,
          urine, x-ray, scan, etc.)                                                                  •  Vélez-Málaga
                                                                                                     •  Viñuela

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