Page 8 - Spanish Insight - April 2020
P. 8
Wakey Wake-Up Rise & Shine
by Linda Jane W (Author) Smileinside13 and website: to
It’s not what happens to you that enable others to do the same.”
makes you the person that you “It would have been easier to
are, it is how you deal with it that take the pills and pretend that
defines you. I was now OK, but to my mind
In this time of uncertainty, one that would cheat the very reason
thing is for certain, you can take I was put on this beautiful planet
responsibility for your own well- and it was time to wake-up and
being – physically and emotionally smell the coffee – even though
and you can start here today at I couldn’t actually drink it for
home. Although the following months following point break!”
was Linda’s personal journey, her Less than a year later, Linda says
book can be applied to anyone “The heart attack saved my life”
suffering with anything. and is in amazing health and
Linda has just launched her book happier than she has ever been.
at the age of 52-years old after As part of her self-therapy Linda
a near fatal heart attack forced decided to pen everything she
her to change her lifestyle with went through, and from those
immediate effect, including words has written a guidebook
no more drinking or smoking. of her story, packed with insights
“Rather than feel that my life has and how she used holistic
been turned upside down, I now therapies to achieve this. With it,
say that it was turned the right Linda hopes to inspire you to turn
way up!”. She turned down most your own life changing event into
of the conventional treatments the best thing that ever happened
and uses the holistic practices to you and to thrive, and currently
that she teaches, and more, to offers virtual courses and
not just survive but to thrive. workshops to empower you to
Today, Linda is alone, 2400 feet do just that.
up a Spanish mountain during “When proof reading the other
lockdown but she has the day, I noticed one of the insights
confidence and the tools to see that dropped into my mind back
herself through this crisis where in June. The journal entry in
many could easily feel vulnerable my book states “I feel like I’m
and frightened. “I take ownership preparing for something big” well
of my health daily. You don’t have ta da!…. it doesn’t get much
to be obsessive about it. I do bigger than today’s state of affairs
acupressure on my hands when does it?!”
I’m watching TV and I share my
other practices including easy Thanks Linda for sharing this fantastic self-help idea. If readers want to know more, go to Amazon:
meditations, acupressure and
yoga videos on my fb page: Wakey Wake-Up Rise & Shine Kindle Edition
8 Spanish Insight April 2020