Page 48 - Property Portfolio - September 2019
P. 48
What is an NIE number? Is it the same as a residence number?
Which one proves residence in Spain?
These are some of the most common questions that a foreigner may have
when coming to Spain.
The NIE number, in Spanish “NUMERO DE a legal document confirming that a person
IDENTIDAD DE EXTRANJERO”, is basically a is residing in Spain. This document is also
tax identification Number for foreigners, which issued by the Police.
is issued by the Police. It is a personal number
which will always remain the same and will be EU citizens can get a Residence Certificate
used for example, when buying a property or relatively easily, but other nationalities can
a car, and when paying the purchase taxes. only get it by applying to a Spanish Embassy
It is not possible to purchase a property in in their country of origin.
Spain without an NIE number.
Using a solicitor can make a difference when
Getting an NIE number does not allow applying for any of these documents as they
foreigners to reside in Spain. Although EU will know which forms to fill in, the steps to
citizens can live in Spain, people of other be taken and the correct places to submit
nationalities would need to apply for residence the applications. A solicitor will guide you
in Spain (a different more complicated throughout this bureaucracy, so that applying
procedure than getting an NIE number). for a Residence Certificate does not become
a nightmare.
Please also note that any foreigner who lives
in Spain must acquire a Residence Certificate,
which is different from an NIE number and is
48 Portfolio