Page 42 - Property Portfolio - October 2019
P. 42

NewsDigest                                   Property Portfolio, in conjunction with property
                                                   portals Kyero & Tinsa, and press articles
                                                   relating to Spain, brings you a few of the news
                                                   headlines with a property and economic bias.

           MALAGA WINS SMArT

           TOUrISM AWArD

           Tourism is the EU’s third largest socio-  competition, following a jury meeting in
           economic activity, representing around 10%  Helsinki on 8 October 2019.
           of the EU’s GDP. The sector plays a crucial
           role in generating growth and jobs, but  35 Cities from 17 EU countries competed
           still holds untapped potential – especially  for the title but both Malaga and
           in the area of smart tourism. Innovation,  Gothenburg stood out for their innovative
           accessibility, and sustainability are the future  tourism measures in all 4 categories of
           of tourism, and the European Commission  the competition, as well as the impressive
           aims to keep European tourism ahead of the  programme of activities and their suitability
           curve.                                 to act as role models for other burgeoning
                                                  smart tourism destinations during 2020.
           Malaga and Gothenburg were selected as  (source
           the winners of the second edition of the                                  n
           EU’s European capital of smart tourism

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