Page 10 - Property Portfolio - November 2019
P. 10
Portfolio Focus
by Naomi Diestro
Maro, with a population of
around 800, is like Nerja’s
little sister (being just a
five-minute drive away),
but for such a small village
it’s got lots going for it.
Not only is it pretty, quiet,
clean and altogether
rather lovely, it has the splendid Nerja caves just del Àguila urbanisation for an average of 495,000
a short walk to the north, an ideal place to take €, or a two-bed apartment in Urbanisation Maro
visitors on a rainy day. It also has one of the top- Club for 200,000 €. Prefer a traditional house in
rated beaches in Andalusia, perhaps because of the village? - prices start from 115,000 € for a
its rich marine life (which can be seen through two-bed and 160,000 € for three.
startlingly-clear waters; being part of a natural
park, fishing is banned in Maro and so is perfect Don’t Miss: The San Isidro Romería every 15th
for divers and snorkelers), its high, rugged cliffs May in celebration of the patron saint of farmers.
and its unusually dark volcanic sand. Kayaking The locals don their most resplendent national
is popular here; you can only view the Cascada costumes and start the procession from Nerja in
Grande from the water (a 15 metre high waterfall), tractors, floats, wagons, on horseback and on
which is quite a sight. foot, and arrive at the woods by the Maro caves
You can buy a three-bed villa within Maro’s Ladera four hours later … and then it’s party time!
Average sunny days per year: 300
Average daytime temperature:
July 29º/Dec 9º
Covers: 85 m2
Height above sea level: 26 m
Distance to Málaga city centre: 60 km
Main Square: Plaza de las Maravillas
Nearest mountain ranges: Almijara,
Tejeda and Alhama
10 Portfolio