Page 34 - Property Portfolio - July 2019
P. 34

Portfolio Focus

                            Thinking of living in Spain?

        According to a 2018 uSwitch quality of life poll,   supermarkets or smaller local stores
        around 12% of Brits were seriously think of moving  •   Whether you prefer quality branded products
        abroad with Spain being the top choice for many.   to own brand
        Out of more than 2,000 people surveyed, only  •   What sort of restaurants you enjoy, the range
        5% of them said that they were happy living in the   is very broad in Spain
        UK with almost 50% citing the cost of living as
        the most influential factor.  Other major reasons  And, consider the associated costs of:
        for moving abroad included a rise in violent crime  •   If  you  have  children,  where  will  they  be
        and a feeling of living in a fragmented and broken   educated and how much will that cost?
        society.                                  •   What sort of car do you drive and how much
        In a more recent HSBC Global Survey, expats   is the fuel?
        voted Spain as the 4th most desirable country  •   Will you be working and what income will you
        worldwide in which to live in despite the doom   have?
        and gloom of Brexit and the uncertainty of the UK  •   Will you be in receipt of a UK pension and will
        potentially leaving the EU.  Where ever you live,   the exchange rates have an affect on this?
        the fact remains that most still count the pennies  •   Do you intend to rent or buy? How much will
        and ensure our funds go that bit further.    that cost you?
                                                  •   How often do you intend to travel back to the
        So, consider:                                UK?
        •   Whether  you  will  be  living  inland  or  near  the  •   Do you have savings? How long will they last if
          sea                                        you’re not working?
        •   The  types  of  places  you  prefer  to  shop  –  Source: Portfolio &

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